McCarthy Announces His Departure from Congress by Year’s End



Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced his resignation from the House at the end of the year, concluding his 16-year tenure in Congress. The announcement, made in an opinion essay in The Wall Street Journal, comes after his historical ousting from the speaker post. McCarthy’s departure could cause difficulties for his successor, Speaker Mike Johnson, as it further narrows the already slim Republican majority in the House.

Kevin McCarthy Announces Departure from House, Stays Engaged in Republican Politics

Kevin McCarthy, the historic ousted former speaker, announced his departure from the House by the year’s end. However, he plans to remain involved in Republican politics. McCarthy’s resignation was announced through an opinion essay in The Wall Street Journal, ending his 16-year Congress journey from a “Young Guns” member to being second in line to the presidency.

McCarthy’s Resignation Creates Headache for Successor

McCarthy’s early exit creates challenges for his successor, Speaker Mike Johnson, due to a slim and dwindling majority. Numerous lawmakers are leaving the House due to historic dysfunction. The Republican majority in the House is further decreased by McCarthy’s departure, announced days before California’s Dec. 8 re-election filing deadline. Johnson already struggles with the far-right revolt for government funding cooperation with Democrats.

McCarthy’s Early Departure Opens Up Private Sector Opportunities

McCarthy’s early exit has advantages as it starts the clock on the one-year lobbying ban for former members. This could lead to lucrative private sector opportunities a year earlier than if he served out his term. Despite the difficult end to his House career, McCarthy remained committed to the right thing, working with Democrats to avert a government shutdown, as stated in his opinion essay.

McCarthy’s Departure Triggers Mixed Reactions

McCarthy’s resignation invoked mixed responses. McCarthy’s influence on the promotion of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and Former President Donald J. Trump was highlighted by Kyle Herrig, the executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project. Meanwhile, Representative Matt Gaetz, who spearheaded the charge to oust McCarthy, celebrated with a single word post: “McLeavin’.”

McCarthy’s House Position Became Unbearable

After his removal from the speakership, McCarthy provided vague answers regarding his stay in Congress. However, his position became untenable alongside the Republicans who voted him out, leading to his eventually painful exit.

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