Urgent Appeal for Congress to Renew Bush’s AIDS Program Issued by Bush Institute



The institute founded by former President George W. Bush has called for the renewal of the global AIDS program known as PEPFAR, which has saved an estimated 25 million lives since its inception 20 years ago. The future of the $6.9 billion program, which used to have bipartisan support, is uncertain due to allegations by some House Republicans that the Biden administration was using it to promote abortions overseas. A bipartisan letter signed by over 30 retired ambassadors, foreign policy entities and organizations, including the Carter Center, has asked Congress to reauthorize the program citing its success in countering the rising influence of Russia and China and promoting America’s global leadership.

The Bush Institute Urges Congress to Renew PEPFAR Amid Abortion Politics

The George W. Bush-founded institute has called for PEPFAR’s renewal. This global AIDS initiative, a major part of Bush’s foreign policy legacy, is currently under threat due to abortion politics in Congress.

PEPFAR, or the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, has saved around 25 million lives since its inception two decades ago. Funded to the tune of $6.9 billion, PEPFAR is a shining example of American moral leadership on the global stage, having benefited from bipartisan support throughout its existence.

However, PEPFAR’s future is uncertain. Its authorization expired on September 30, due to unfounded claims by House Republicans that the program was being used for promoting abortion overseas. These Republicans want to impose abortion-specific restrictions on PEPFAR, which would likely prevent its reauthorization in the Democrat-ruled Senate.

Nonpartisan Bush Institute Joins Debate with Bipartisan Letter

The nonpartisan Bush Institute has previously remained silent on this issue. However, a bipartisan letter signed by over 30 retired ambassadors, foreign policy figures, and organizations urged Congress to reauthorize PEPFAR. This document argues that the program not only saves lives but also counters the rising influence of Russia and China while enhancing America’s global standing.

Fears Over PEPFAR’s Future Without Congressional Support

PEPFAR is currently operational, but there are concerns about its vulnerability to budget cuts or even dissolution in the absence of the necessary authorization. Advocates argue that the program’s effectiveness is weakened without Congress’ bipartisan endorsement.

Dr. Deborah L. Birx, who managed PEPFAR under Presidents Obama and Trump, and is now the Bush Institute’s senior fellow, is among those urging for its reauthorization. She encouraged President Biden and his team to actively ensure PEPFAR’s renewal by engaging a small group of lawmakers and emphasizing its importance.

Need for Leadership to Ensure PEPFAR’s Survival

Dr. Birx added that the current administration needs to prioritize PEPFAR and find a compromise to ensure its survival. Despite obstacles, including a potential government shutdown and Republican infighting, she remains hopeful for its reauthorization by World AIDS Day on December 1.

Former President Bush himself has openly expressed his desire for PEPFAR’s renewal, even discussing its future with Representative Michael McCaul, and encouraging Congress to save the program in an op-ed published in The Washington Post.

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