Here’s Further Evidence That American Politics Is Facing Challenges



A recent comprehensive survey by the Pew Research Center showed that trust in the US government is at a 70-year low and disgust with both political parties is at an all-time high. It also revealed that only 4% of adults think the political system is functioning efficiently and there is a demand for significant structural changes. In response to the survey findings, No Labels, a movement aimed at providing solutions to these problems, plans to secure a ballot line on the 2024 state voting ballot for a potential independent Unity Ticket that includes a Republican and a Democrat as running mates.

Trust in US Political System Hits 70-Year Low

Recent polls including a comprehensive survey from Pew Research Center, highlight growing dissatisfaction among Americans with the political system. Americans’ trust in their government is at a 70-year low, with a collective distaste for both parties reaching record highs. A mere 4% of adults believe the political system is functioning well, underlying a systemic issue rather than just a few poor-performing politicians.(source) These findings have led to widespread support for major structural changes in politics.

Political Reform: An Emergency Option

No Labels, a political reform group, proposes an alternative option to the two-party system which is deeply rooted in special interests and partisan warfare. They aim to secure a ballot line on the 2024 state voting ballot for an independent Unity Ticket featuring a Republican and a Democrat as running mates. This concept has faced criticism from both parties, but a closer look at Pew’s findings suggest that it could be the alternative that voters are seeking.

Unpopular Parties and Dissatisfying Candidates

Pew’s poll uncovers that both Republican and Democratic parties are equally disliked, with unfavorable views of both quadrupling since 2002. The poll also reveals that 63% of voters are dissatisfied with presidential candidates from both parties, and only 1 in 4 voters rate the quality of political candidates as good, a 20% decrease from 2018. This shows a clear dissatisfaction with the parties’ candidate selection process.

The Need for Unity in Politics

Over 86% of Americans believe that the two major parties are more focused on causing conflict with each other than resolving issues. This calls for a serious solution: the Unity Ticket. This ticket could combine majorities from both sides into a coalition that rejects extremism and works to solve problems. It could also serve as a wake-up call for Republican and Democratic parties to realign their efforts to compete for the political middle ground.

Despite the bleak findings of the Pew poll, voters’ awareness of the systemic issues offers hope for change. They recognize the problems and are likely to support viable solutions when presented.

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