Trump supports competency tests for politicians, dismisses age limits


Former President Trump has expressed support for mental competency tests for U.S. politicians while opposing age limits. In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Trump discussed the possibility of age limits, which has gained attention as he and President Biden, both in their 70s, may face off in the 2024 presidential election. Trump stated that he believes testing would be a good thing and recounted taking a test a few years ago, which he claims to have aced. He also mentioned that some argue age limits or cognitive tests could be unconstitutional, although he wasn’t sure.

Trump, who is currently 77 years old, dismissed concerns about his own age, stating that he is not near 80. However, if he were to win re-election in 2024, he would turn 80 within 18 months of gaining office. On the other hand, Biden would be 82 at the start of his second term if re-elected. Biden has faced scrutiny regarding his age due to lapses in memory and stammering speeches.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has been advocating for cognitive tests for U.S. politicians, although she has not endorsed age limits. She has called for legislation that would require presidential candidates and members of Congress over the age of 75 to pass competency tests. Haley recently criticized the U.S. Senate as “the most privileged nursing home in the country” following health scares involving Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Haley emphasized the importance of not celebrating the decline of politicians, including Biden.

Haley is challenging Trump in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary, but Trump maintains a dominant lead over other candidates in polls. During the interview, Trump expressed openness to the concept of a female vice president running with him but emphasized that he would ultimately choose the best person for the position.

The issue of age and mental competency in politics has become a topic of discussion as the 2024 presidential election approaches. While there are concerns about the potential limitations and decline of older politicians, some argue that age limits or cognitive tests could be unconstitutional. The conversation surrounding this issue continues, with figures like Trump and Haley expressing their views on the matter.

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