Red flags identified in George Santos’ recently acquired “vulnerability report” well before the controversial election of Rep.


Title: Exclusive Report Reveals Allegations Surrounding Congressman George Santos’ Background

A secret internal report commissioned by congressional hopeful George Santos in 2021, but never made public, has recently surfaced, shedding light on concerning aspects of the candidate’s background. The report, obtained by CBS News, highlights questions about Santos’ marriage, his family’s claimed ties to the Holocaust, and alleged connections to fraudulent companies. As Santos prepares to fight federal fraud charges, the report has gained attention due to its potential implications for his case.

The Vulnerability Report and GOP Leaders’ Response:
The report, known as the “vulnerability report,” is a standard step in political campaigns, aimed at identifying potential areas of attack from opponents. Santos’ campaign paid over $16,600 to Capital Research Group, LLC, a firm specializing in vulnerability reports. The report draws from Santos’ social media accounts, highlighting posts and photos that have since been deleted. A spokesperson for Santos declined to comment on the report, citing their policy of not discussing personal matters.

The report’s conclusions were shared with campaign strategists for top House Republicans and played a role in the Congressional Leadership Fund’s decision to withhold support for Santos. However, despite the report’s findings, top House Republican Elise Stefanik continued to campaign with Santos. Stefanik’s spokesperson declined to comment on the report but emphasized that Stefanik supported GOP nominees in targeted New York seats, unaware of the allegations against Santos until after his election.

The Damning Findings of the Report:
The report, spanning over 100 pages, raises questions about Santos’ campaign finance activities, which align with the criminal charges he currently faces. Federal prosecutors have accused Santos of wire fraud, money laundering, making false statements to the House of Representatives, and theft of public funds. The report highlights discrepancies in Santos’ disclosures to Congress, similar to those brought up in the criminal case against him.

Furthermore, the report challenges Santos’ claimed educational background, stating that there is no record of him earning a degree from NYU or Baruch College. It also scrutinizes Santos’ past employment, particularly his role as a senior executive at Harbor City Capital, a firm shut down by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for operating as a Ponzi scheme. The report cites a deleted YouTube video where Santos praised the firm’s leadership.

Campaign finance discrepancies are another area of concern raised by the report. Santos’ public claims of financial success contradict his 2020 disclosure, which showed an earned income of $55,000. Prosecutors allege that Santos, beginning in September 2022, misused political donations for personal expenses. Although the vulnerability report does not delve into this specific allegation, it questions the source of funding for Santos’ initial campaign.

Personal Life Allegations:
The report also raises questions about Santos’ personal life, including his marriage to Uadla Vieira. It suggests that Vieira may not have been a green card holder or legally eligible to work in the United States during their marriage. Additionally, the report claims that Santos had a relationship with an undocumented immigrant named Pedro Vilarva while still married to Vieira. Santos publicly identifies as gay.

As George Santos faces federal fraud charges, the emergence of the vulnerability report provides insight into allegations surrounding his background. The report’s contents, which were never made public until now, delve into Santos’ marriage, his family’s claimed Holocaust connection, alleged ties to fraudulent companies, and campaign finance discrepancies. With the report’s findings gaining attention, it remains to be seen how they will impact Santos’ legal battle and political career.

Original Story at – 2023-09-08 00:53:00

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