[gpt3] Rewrite this title: New book reveals who is really in charge of the White House (hint: it’s not Joe Biden) [/gpt4]


## Franklin Foer’s “The Last Politician”: A Review

Franklin Foer’s historical account of the Biden administration, “The Last Politician,” paints a picture of a president who, despite attempts to praise and defend him, often appears out of his depth. The book delves into some of the most significant moments of Biden’s presidency, providing insight into his decision-making process and handling of various situations.

## Biden’s Grieving Expertise Questioned

Foer presents Biden’s response to the Afghanistan crisis, which resulted in 13 US service members returning home in caskets, as one of his administration’s most significant failures. Despite Foer’s assertion that “grieving was his expertise,” Biden’s interaction with the bereaved families left much to be desired.

Notably, when one of the grieving fathers insists that Biden “learn their stories,” the president responds with a dismissive, “I do know their stories.” Other questionable actions, such as Biden looking at his watch and repeatedly mentioning his deceased son Beau, are left unmentioned by Foer.

## Biden’s Foreign Policy Decisions Scrutinized

Foer also examines Biden’s foreign policy decisions, particularly his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. He notes Biden’s “swaggering faith in himself” but fails to critique the unwarranted nature of this confidence. Foer doesn’t delve into Biden’s history of misguided foreign policy decisions, such as his opposition to the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

## An Administration Out of Step

Biden’s handling of immigration is also scrutinized. Foer mentions Biden’s shock upon learning that ICE might stop targeting fentanyl dealers, sex offenders, and other felons. However, Biden’s actions to address this issue are notably absent. Foer suggests that on this topic, Biden is “most out of step with his evolving party’s leftward trajectory.”

## A Potemkin Presidency?

Despite his reporting on Biden’s shortcomings, Foer concludes that Biden is “the old hack who

Original Story at nypost.com – 2023-09-06 13:27:00

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