Cy-Hawk game becomes a platform for GOP presidential candidates to discuss politics


Four Republican presidential candidates will be using the backdrop of the 2023 Cy-Hawk football game in Ames, Iowa, to campaign on Saturday. Ron DeSantis, Asa Hutchinson, Vikek Ramaswamy, and Donald Trump have all announced their plans to attend various events before and during the game.

Ron DeSantis will kick off his campaign at the Never Back Down Tailgate, which will take place at Jack Trice Stadium at 1:00 pm. DeSantis, the Florida governor, has been making waves in the Republican party and has been gaining support from conservatives across the country. His appearance at the tailgate is expected to attract a large crowd of supporters.

Asa Hutchinson, the former Arkansas governor, has planned two events around the game. He will start his day at the Iowa vs Iowa State Rally at the Story County Fairgrounds at 8:00 am. Later in the day, he will join the tailgate and game at Jack Trice Stadium at 2:30 pm. Hutchinson has been emphasizing his experience as a former governor and his conservative values as he seeks the Republican nomination.

Vikek Ramaswamy, a candidate from the 4th Congressional District, has organized a GOP Presidential Tailgate at the Story County Fairgrounds at 11:30 am. Ramaswamy has been focusing on economic issues and has been gaining support from voters who are looking for a fresh perspective in the Republican party. He will also be attending the Summit Agricultural Group Tailgate at Jack Trice Stadium at 1:00 pm.

Former President Donald Trump, who has been hinting at a potential 2024 run, will be attending the Iowa vs Iowa State football game at Jack Trice Stadium at 2:30 pm. Trump has remained a prominent figure in the Republican party and continues to have a loyal following. His appearance at the game is expected to draw a large crowd of supporters.

The Cy-Hawk football game, a long-standing rivalry between the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, is an important event in Iowa politics. It attracts not only football fans but also politicians who see it as an opportunity to connect with voters. As the 2023 game approaches, it is clear that several Republican presidential candidates are using it as a platform to share their messages and gain support.

Overall, the 2023 Cy-Hawk football game will be a key moment for these Republican presidential candidates to engage with voters and supporters. They will be attending various events and tailgates before and during the game to showcase their campaigns and connect with voters in Iowa. As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, these candidates are seizing every opportunity to make their mark in the hearts and minds of Iowan voters.

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