White House: Biden’s comment about a ‘ticking time bomb’ concerns China’s economy


US President Joe Biden’s comment about China being a “ticking time bomb” referred to internal economic and social tensions that could have an effect on how Beijing interacts with the world, a White House official has clarified. Speaking at a political fundraiser on Thursday, Biden stated that China was “in trouble” and facing economic and social problems. He added, “That’s not good because when bad folks have problems, they do bad things.” Biden misstated China’s growth rate, saying it was close to 2 percent a year rather than the actual 6.3 percent in the second quarter.

The President also expressed his desire for a rational relationship with China. A White House spokesperson highlighted the US concern about China’s bullying and coercive tactics, such as offering high-interest infrastructure loans and seizing assets when countries default. Biden’s comments have drawn a sharp response from Beijing. A Chinese embassy spokesperson warned against scapegoating China and fanning division, emphasizing that China’s GDP growth continues to support the global economy.

China’s state-run Global Times accused Biden of making demeaning and smearing comments to distract the domestic audience from issues in the US and boost his presidential campaign. The media outlet quoted an expert who predicted that most US presidential candidates would target China during the 2024 elections to divert attention from ingrained domestic problems. Global Times also noted that despite recent high-level exchanges between US and Chinese officials, there has been no real easing in bilateral relations.

The outlet further stated that since the US is unlikely to change its foreign policy on issues such as Taiwan, the South China Sea, and the high-tech sector, it will adopt a more aggressive stance toward China. Meanwhile, the US has moved to limit outbound investment in certain Chinese sectors. The White House spokesperson emphasized that the US has consistently pushed back against China’s behaviors of intimidation and coercion.

Regarding the potential impact of Biden’s comments on a meeting with President Xi Jinping later this year, the spokesperson did not provide any comment. However, he acknowledged that the US-China relationship is difficult and complex, being the most consequential one in the world. The spokesperson emphasized the need to continue improving lines of communication.

In conclusion, Biden’s characterization of China as a “ticking time bomb” stemmed from internal economic and social tensions. While China’s economic growth has slowed, Biden’s misstatement of the growth rate drew attention. Beijing criticized Biden’s comments, warning against scapegoating China. The Chinese state-run media accused Biden of distracting from domestic issues and using China as a campaign target. The US has consistently pushed back against China’s behaviors, and there has been no real easing in bilateral relations. The spokesperson did not address the potential impact of Biden’s comments on a future meeting with President Xi Jinping.

Original Story at www.aljazeera.com – 2023-08-12 04:01:46

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