Transcript of Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Interview on “Face the Nation” – August 27, 2023


Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appeared on “Face the Nation” on August 27, 2023, where he discussed various issues, including former President Trump’s financial activities, the normalization of Trump’s conduct, and immigration. Christie expressed his concerns over Trump’s money-making ventures, stating that there seems to be an ongoing “grift” where Trump uses funds from regular voters to pay legal fees and support his family’s financial interests. He also criticized Hunter Biden for allegedly selling access to his father, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Christie further argued that both Trump and Hunter Biden represent ruling families that prioritize their own interests over those they are supposed to serve. He emphasized the need for a wholesale change in leadership and stated that he is running for president to bring about this change.

When asked if Trump supporters are being ripped off when they donate, Christie responded affirmatively, highlighting the significant legal fees Trump has accumulated and how the money donated by supporters is being used to cover those expenses. He called this practice unethical and immoral, adding that it is part of the ongoing grift in Washington, D.C.

The discussion then turned to the normalization of Trump’s conduct, with Christie being questioned about his own support for Trump despite controversial actions. Christie clarified that the conduct he finds most troubling is Trump’s repeated false claims about the 2020 election being stolen. He emphasized the need for truth and vowed to speak the truth if elected president.

Regarding the legal proceedings involving Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, Christie acknowledged that there is an argument to be made for changing the venue of the trial to federal court. However, he noted that the trial’s outcome would likely remain the same, and the only difference would be the absence of televised proceedings.

Shifting gears to immigration, Christie addressed the proposal made by some of his opponents to send troops into Mexico to combat drug cartels. He expressed reservations about this approach, as it could be viewed as an act of war by Mexico. Instead, Christie advocated for using intelligence assets, strengthening border security, and completing the border wall to prevent the entry of drugs like fentanyl into the United States.

When questioned about the legality of using the National Guard in a law enforcement capacity at the border, Christie argued that they would be working alongside Customs and Border Patrol and could assist in making arrests. He emphasized the need for greater support at the border to prevent unauthorized crossings.

Overall, Christie presented himself as a candidate committed to truth-telling, combating corruption, and implementing practical solutions to address pressing issues such as immigration.

Original Story at – 2023-08-27 13:41:18

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