Special Counsel Appointed by Garland for Hunter Biden Case


Title: Attorney General Merrick Garland Appoints Special Counsel for Hunter Biden Case

In a significant development, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed US attorney David Weiss as special counsel to oversee the investigation involving Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. This move comes as the Department of Justice aims to ensure an independent and impartial inquiry into potential criminal activities.

Garland’s Decision to Ensure Transparency and Impartiality

Attorney General Garland’s decision to appoint a special counsel underscores the Department of Justice’s commitment to transparency and impartiality. By designating US attorney David Weiss, an experienced prosecutor, as the special counsel, the investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial activities is expected to proceed independently without political interference.

The Hunter Biden Investigation and its Significance

The investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings has been ongoing and has garnered significant attention due to his status as the son of President Joe Biden. The probe primarily focuses on his financial transactions, including potential tax violations and involvement with foreign entities. With the appointment of a special counsel, the investigation will continue to delve into these matters with heightened scrutiny and objectivity.

Appointment of David Weiss as Special Counsel

US attorney David Weiss, who currently serves as Delaware’s top federal prosecutor, has been chosen by Attorney General Merrick Garland to lead the special counsel team. Weiss is widely respected for his extensive experience and expertise in handling complex cases. His appointment signals the Department of Justice’s dedication to entrusting the investigation to a seasoned prosecutor capable of conducting an impartial inquiry.

Weiss’ Role in the Investigation

As special counsel, David Weiss will have the authority to independently investigate and make decisions regarding potential charges related to Hunter Biden’s financial affairs. He will have the resources and support necessary to examine evidence, interview witnesses, and pursue any leads that arise during the course of the investigation. Weiss’ impartiality and commitment to upholding the law are crucial in ensuring a fair and comprehensive examination of the case.

Garland’s Commitment to the Rule of Law

Attorney General Garland’s appointment of a special counsel demonstrates his commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that investigations are conducted without political influence. By establishing a dedicated team to oversee the Hunter Biden case, Garland intends to instill public trust in the Department of Justice’s ability to fairly investigate potential wrongdoing, regardless of the individuals involved.


The appointment of US attorney David Weiss as special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasizes the Department of Justice’s pursuit of transparency and impartiality in the investigation of Hunter Biden’s financial activities. With Weiss leading the team, the probe will continue to proceed independently, ensuring a thorough examination of any potential misconduct. This move underscores Garland’s dedication to upholding the rule of law and promoting public confidence in the justice system. As the investigation progresses, the American public awaits the results of the inquiry into Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Original Story at edition.cnn.com – 2023-08-11 18:51:29

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