Opinion | The Powerful Grip of Political Christianity


Title: The Bible’s Call for Love and Virtues in Political Christianity

The key verses from the book of Galatians in the Bible highlight the contrast between the desires of the flesh and the virtues of the spirit. The Apostle Paul condemns various sins, including sexual immorality and idolatry, as well as qualities like hatred, jealousy, and anger. On the other hand, he emphasizes the importance of virtues such as love, joy, peace, and self-control. These virtues, rather than theological beliefs, serve as indicators of true character. This theme resonates throughout the Bible, with Jesus urging people to judge others by their fruits.

Characterizing True Virtue:
According to Jesus in Matthew 7, a bad tree produces bad fruit, while a good tree produces good fruit. This principle extends to human behavior as well. Individuals marked by kindness and peacefulness deserve attention and respect, regardless of their professed religious beliefs. Conversely, those who exhibit hatred and jealousy should be approached with caution, even if they claim to strictly follow scripture. These virtues should be the markers of those who follow Jesus, although no one is perfect.

The State of Political Christianity:
Examining the most prominent political Christians today in the age of Trump raises some disheartening questions. Do these individuals embody the virtues prescribed by the Apostle Paul and Jesus? The answers seem self-evident. In an era of intense partisan division, political Christians should advocate for loving their enemies, as emphasized in Corinthians. Love, as described in Corinthians, involves patience, kindness, and a lack of envy or arrogance. The church’s response to political conflict should be characterized by countercultural radiance, providing a soothing balm amidst the strife. However, the dominant tone of contemporary American political Christianity seems to be the opposite – angry, punitive, and, in some ways, embracing conflict.

The Bible’s teachings call for a focus on virtues such as love, joy, peace, and self-control. These virtues should be the defining characteristics of individuals who follow Jesus, regardless of their theological beliefs. In today’s political climate, where polarization is widespread, political Christians should exemplify love for their enemies. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as anger and a punitive approach often prevail. To truly embody the teachings of the Bible, political Christianity must return to the core virtues that promote unity, understanding, and compassion. Only then can it serve as a powerful force for positive change in a divided world.

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