Let Oklahoma Teachers Fulfill Their Roles, Free from Political Influence


New School Year Begins Amidst Controversy Over Education Policies

A new school year is about to begin in Oklahoma, marking the second year since the passage of House Bill 1775 by the state legislature. The bill, which restricts discussions of race and gender in public schools, has caused widespread chaos and controversy in the education system. Teachers now find themselves navigating an environment that penalizes any mention of race, even in a historical context. Additionally, the law has been criticized for discriminating against individuals who identify as nontraditional genders. Despite claims that this was not the legislature’s intention, the focus on “anti-wokeism” has overshadowed the critical need to address Oklahoma’s poor education rankings.

Oklahoma is currently ranked 49th and 46th in education and the overall well-being of children, respectively. These rankings highlight the urgent need for improvement in the state’s education system. However, instead of addressing the underlying issues, the state schools superintendent has chosen to focus on combating what he calls “indoctrination.” He has threatened disaccreditation for schools and the revocation of teachers’ licenses for any perceived infractions. This heavy-handed approach has only added to the frustration and discontent among teachers and the community.

In light of this challenging climate, we reached out to readers, including teachers, to share their hopes for the upcoming school year. While many expressed their frustration with the leadership at the Oklahoma State Department of Education, there remained a sense of cautious optimism among teachers. Their passion for teaching and dedication to their students remains steadfast. Their primary concern is fixing the broken system that has contributed to Oklahoma’s low rankings. They yearn for an end to the complexity and political interference, allowing them to focus on what they do best: teaching and fostering a love for learning in their students.

One recurring theme among teachers is the desire for a more diverse range of reading materials. They believe that exposing students to a variety of perspectives and experiences through literature will enhance their education and broaden their understanding of the world. Despite the challenges they face, teachers remain committed to providing the best possible education to Oklahoma’s students.

However, the controversy surrounding education in Oklahoma shows no signs of abating. The state schools superintendent has announced plans to introduce Christian ideology into public school classrooms, including daily prayer and displays of the Ten Commandments. This move has raised concerns about religious bias and the lack of equal representation for other religions. The superintendent appears more willing to cater to the wishes of evangelical pastors than to listen to the pleas of teachers and school districts seeking to improve education quality across the state.

It is crucial to stop politicizing education and refrain from using divisive labels such as “liberal” and “conservative” to describe education or teachers. Education should be viewed as a neutral endeavor aimed at providing an enlightening experience for students. Oklahoma will not be able to lift itself out of its educational slump until teachers are given the freedom and support they need to excel in their profession. Only then can the state begin to address the systemic issues that have contributed to its low rankings.

In conclusion, as another school year begins in Oklahoma, the controversy surrounding education policies continues to cast a shadow over the state’s educational system. Teachers remain dedicated to their mission, but they face unnecessary constraints and political interference. It is time to prioritize the quality of education and provide teachers with the environment and resources they need to succeed. Only through a concerted effort to fix the underlying issues can Oklahoma hope to improve its education rankings and secure a brighter future for its children.

Original Story at www.oklahoman.com – 2023-08-06 14:02:25

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