Justice Clarence Thomas reveals acceptance of flights and accommodation from billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow in official filing


Justice Clarence Thomas came under scrutiny for his relationship with Texas real estate magnate Harlan Crow after a series of reports from news outlet ProPublica. In his annual financial disclosure report released on Thursday, it was revealed that Thomas had traveled aboard Crow’s private plane and stayed at his property in the Adirondacks in July 2022. The report also provided new details about the travel arrangements Crow provided to Thomas on three occasions last year.

The disclosure report, which covers all of 2022, was filed late due to a 90-day extension requested by Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito. Elliot Berke, Thomas’ personal attorney, stated that there were no willful ethics transgressions and any earlier reporting errors were inadvertent. Berke denounced accusations from congressional Democrats and outside groups, calling them “ridiculous and dangerous.” He also mentioned that they are working with the Supreme Court and Judicial Conference for guidance on whether Thomas should amend reports from earlier years.

The disclosure report revealed that Crow provided transportation, lodging, food, or entertainment to Thomas in February, May, and July 2022. It specified that Thomas flew private on the return trip in February due to an unexpected ice storm. Thomas also disclosed a 2014 real estate transaction with Crow for three properties he purchased from Thomas and his family in Georgia. The transaction resulted in a capital loss for Thomas, and there was no profit or net income.

The financial disclosure reports from Thomas and Alito were highly anticipated due to news coverage about their ties to wealthy Republican donors. Alito’s disclosure form stated that he taught courses at Duke Law School and Regent University School of Law in 2022 and received $29,250 for his teachings. He also held honorary positions at various law schools and received transportation, lodging, and meals for his appearance at a religious liberty summit in Rome.

The interest in the 2022 disclosures was sparked by reports from ProPublica, which detailed Thomas’ travel aboard Crow’s private jet and yacht, luxury vacations, and the real estate transaction in Georgia. None of these arrangements were listed in Thomas’ earlier financial disclosures. Alito also faced scrutiny for a vacation he took in 2008, where he traveled aboard a private jet provided by hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer and had his accommodations covered by a conservative donor.

The revelations led to renewed interest in the ethics policies at the Supreme Court. The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced legislation in July that would require the high court to adopt an ethics code, although its passage is unlikely. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan have both acknowledged the need for the Supreme Court to adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct. The justices are currently looking at what they can do to give practical effect to their commitment to comply with ethics standards.

Overall, the annual financial disclosure report of Justice Clarence Thomas sheds light on his travel arrangements and real estate transaction with Harlan Crow. The report also highlights the ongoing discussions about ethics policies at the Supreme Court.

Original Story at www.cbsnews.com – 2023-08-31 23:40:00

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