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## Ukrainian Resistance Force Strikes at Russian Troops

In late July, a Russian military camp on Dzharylhach Island in the Black Sea witnessed an unexpected attack. The camp, far removed from the frontline, was designed as a training and relaxation spot for soldiers fresh from the trenches. A sudden barrage of Ukrainian HIMARS rockets disrupted the tranquil setting and reportedly killed up to 200 soldiers.

## The National Resistance Center’s Role

Despite the camp being situated 60 km from the nearest Ukrainian forces and deep within Russian-occupied territory, Ukraine’s armed forces were able to pinpoint their location and activities. This was largely due to the intelligence provided by the National Resistance Center (NRC), an organization dedicated to aiding Ukraine’s defense against its invaders.

An NRC spokesperson, Ostap, said in an exclusive interview with the Kyiv Post that the targeted attack on Dzharylhach was made possible by information provided by partisans and enemy personnel. The NRC carries out many such operations, Ostap added, expressing hope that they could soon discuss these operations more publicly.

## The Formation and Purpose of the NRC

The NRC was established in February 2022, during the early stages of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Its primary goal was to organize and mobilize civil resistance forces to repel the enemy.

## Civil Resistance in Ukraine

The nature of civil resistance in Ukraine has evolved significantly since the initial stages of the invasion. What started as a guerrilla-style fight in the streets of the capital, with civilians making Molotov cocktails, has morphed into a coordinated effort with the regular armed forces. The goal is to liberate all the territory occupied by Russia, which currently stands at around 20 percent of Ukrainian territory in the east and south, as well as the Crimean Peninsula.

## The NRC’s Modus Operandi

The NRC gathers information from people living in the temporarily occupied territories and verifies it. This information is then used to aid the defense forces in their operations against enemy targets. Ostap describes the resulting actions as “kinetic” work, like the HIMARS strike on Dzharylhach Island.

However, not all resistance actions are as dramatic. Ostap emphasizes the effectiveness of low-key actions that may seem small on an individual level but can have a significant impact when multiplied across the occupied territories. Resistance, according to Ostap, is about everyone playing their part effectively.

## Inspiration from History

The NRC and Ukraine’s partisans draw inspiration from historical resistance movements, such as the French Résistance during World War Two. Ostap cited the example of a factory manager at the Citroën automobile factory who sabotaged the vehicles made for the German military by fitting them with shortened oil dipsticks, leading to engine failures across the Wehrmacht’s fleet.

## The NRC Today

While the NRC remains secretive about its work, Ostap claims that the number of active partisans and resistors is more significant than the enemy would like. The NRC continues to play a vital role, providing guidebooks, instructions, manuals, and advice on remaining undetected while operating in enemy-held territory. It also helps raise funds for essential equipment like thermal imaging cameras, night vision devices, and drones.

In closing, Ostap stated, “We are on our own land… We do all this in order to protect our people… Whoever comes to our land can either leave it voluntarily or return in a black body bag.”

Original Story at www.kyivpost.com – 2023-08-31 13:08:57

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