Exploring the Life of Ronald Reagan: A Fresh Perspective in Santa Barbara’s Newest Play


New Play Explores a Different Side of Ronald Reagan as a Man

Santa Barbara, CA – Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, is a towering figure in modern world history. However, a new play premiering in Santa Barbara this week aims to shed light on a different aspect of Reagan’s life – who he was as a man. Titled “Ronald Reagan Saves The World,” this one-man show takes place in the Oval Office and delves into the recollections of the former president, from his childhood to his presidency and beyond.

Written by Terry Phillips, the play is not a political spectacle, but rather a biography and a love story. Phillips emphasizes that Reagan, during his lifetime, was affiliated with both the Democratic and Republican parties, making him a rare example of a bipartisan leader. He highlights Reagan’s ability to maintain civility and forge personal relationships across party lines, even when engaged in heated political battles. It was not uncommon for Reagan and Democratic House Speaker Tip O’Neill to clash during the day and share a beer together at night, united in their commitment to doing what was best for the country.

Taking on the challenging role of portraying President Reagan is actor Paul Messenger. Initially reluctant to accept the part due to his disagreement with Reagan’s politics, Messenger eventually realized that the play was not intended to idolize the former president, but rather to showcase a man who deeply cared for his wife and his country. While he still disagrees with Reagan’s political stance, Messenger has come to admire him as an individual.

The production of “Ronald Reagan Saves The World” has been in the works since 2018 but was delayed by the pandemic. The decision to premiere the play in Santa Barbara was driven by the city’s connection to the Reagans. The couple’s Western White House was located in the Santa Ynez Mountains, and their ranch, Rancho Del Cielo, was a cherished retreat for them. Additionally, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, where the Reagans are laid to rest, is situated in the Tri-Counties region.

According to Phillips, President Reagan represents a bygone political era characterized by civility and a commitment to compromise for the greater good of the country. The playwright laments the loss of this approach in contemporary politics, where party loyalty often takes precedence over the nation’s interests.

“Ronald Reagan Saves The World” aims to capture the essence of Reagan through Messenger’s portrayal without attempting to imitate him directly. The play incorporates Reagan’s distinct speaking style and famous sense of humor. The highly anticipated show will have a preview on Thursday night, followed by its world premiere on Friday night at the Center Stage Theater in Santa Barbara’s Paseo Nuevo Shopping Center. The play will run until September 10.

Original Source: [Santa Barbara News-Press](https://newspress.com/new-play-explores-different-side-of-ronald-reagan-as-man)

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