Canadian Woman Receives Nearly 22-Year Sentence for Mailing Ricin Letter to Trump


Canadian Woman Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Mailing Ricin-Laced Letter to Trump

A Canadian woman, Pascale Ferrier, has been sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison for mailing a threatening letter containing the poison ricin to former President Donald Trump at the White House. Ferrier, 56, pleaded guilty to violating biological weapons prohibitions in letters sent to Trump and police officials in Texas, where she had been previously jailed for several weeks in 2019.

Ferrier’s defense attorney described her as an intelligent French immigrant with no prior criminal record. She had earned a master’s degree in engineering and raised two children as a single parent. However, in September 2020, prosecutors revealed that Ferrier had made the ricin at home in Quebec and mailed it to Trump along with a letter referring to him as “The Ugly Tyrant Clown.” The letter also contained a threat and a call for him to withdraw from the election.

Fortunately, the letter was intercepted at a mail sorting facility before it reached the White House. Ferrier’s attempt to enter a border crossing in Buffalo, N.Y., carrying a gun, a knife, and ammunition led to her arrest. Investigators also discovered eight similar letters addressed to law enforcement officials in charge of the Texas jail where she was held.

During the sentencing hearing, Ferrier expressed her anger about issues such as unfairness, abuses of power, and “stupid rules.” She described herself as a peaceful and genuinely kind person and considered herself an activist rather than a terrorist. However, U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich emphasized the severity of Ferrier’s crimes and the disconnect between her actions and her self-perception. The judge sentenced her to 262 months in prison, as outlined in the plea agreement, and ordered her expulsion from the country upon release. Additionally, Ferrier will be under supervised release for life if she ever returns to the United States.

Prosecutor Michael Friedman praised the sentence as an appropriately harsh punishment that sends a clear message. He stated that politically motivated violence and threats against public officials have no place in the United States and should not be tolerated.

The case of Pascale Ferrier serves as a reminder of the serious consequences individuals may face for engaging in such acts. The justice system aims to protect public servants and maintain the safety and security of the nation.

Original Story at – 2023-08-18 02:00:40

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