Politics: Money Isn’t the Solution for Everything


Title: Manatee County Commissioner Faces Criticism for Record-Breaking Fundraising and Controversial Policy Decisions

Last week, TBT investigative reporter Dawn Kitterman provided readers with an in-depth analysis of the “record-breaking” fundraising efforts of Manatee County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge. Concerns are arising among developers, who have accelerated their usual strategies, indicating their fear of Van Ostenbridge’s vulnerability to a challenge in the upcoming 2024 elections. Despite being labeled as incompetent and disinterested in serving the best interests of the community, the commissioner has consolidated power through ruthless political tactics, making him the most influential member of the county administration and public policy board.

Questionable Policy Decisions:
Van Ostenbridge’s track record as a public representative has been abysmal. By aligning himself with developers, he orchestrated a vendetta against former county administrator Ed Hunzker, resulting in the loss of crucial institutional knowledge within the government. Furthermore, his appointment of an unqualified individual, Scott Hopes, as county leader exacerbated the leadership vacuum, hindering the organization’s progress. Van Ostenbridge’s claims opposing wasteful spending were contradicted when he voted to pay millions of taxpayer dollars to a developer for land claimed to be for a park, despite lacking public access.

Controversial Actions:
The commissioner has also faced criticism for his disregard for his constituents in Holmes Beach, where he imposed an unpopular parking garage that aggravates traffic congestion on the island. He has also championed overdevelopment near Lake Manatee, the county’s primary drinking water source, potentially jeopardizing its quality. It is expected that Van Ostenbridge will continue to prioritize developers’ interests by supporting efforts to reduce wetland protections and impact fees.

Personal Misconduct:
Aside from his questionable policy decisions, Van Ostenbridge’s personal conduct has also come under scrutiny. He recently completed probation for stealing landscaping from a constituent, and an inspector general’s audit revealed his misuse of a county credit card to purchase detailed voter data, compromising the privacy of thousands of residents. Such actions have significantly damaged his reputation among District 3 constituents.

Campaign Strategy:
Despite these controversies, Van Ostenbridge has yet to face any primary or general election challengers. Developers are flooding his campaign account with money in an attempt to dissuade potential opponents or inundate the election cycle with misleading campaign ads that paint a different picture of his record. However, in past elections, many voters in Manatee County have based their decisions on superficial factors rather than thorough research on the candidates.

District 3, where Van Ostenbridge holds office, presents an opportunity for grassroots candidates to challenge the incumbent due to its smaller size and potential for effective voter outreach. In 2020, the commissioner used the write-in loophole to force his primary opponent into an NPA run, securing a comfortable victory. However, with growing discontent and recent controversies, it is possible that voters will prioritize quality of life issues over ideological talking points in the upcoming elections.

Original Story at thebradentontimes.com – 2023-07-23 04:01:44

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