Fake Political Jargon, including ‘Woke’ | Latest News, Sports, Employment Opportunities


Avoiding Sloganeering: The Problem with Simplistic Political Labels

The Financial Times recently published an article about the overuse of political “slang” and how it can prevent real communication and dialogue. Terms like “woke,” “witch hunt,” “media,” and “fake news” are often used as simplistic labels to avoid actual discussions of the issues at stake.

The term “woke” was originally thought to refer to people seeking social change through government, but now it has been repurposed to mean “any acknowledgment of racism or sexism,” “expressing an opinion while black or female,” or “a new thing that I don’t like.” The term is used primarily as a negative description, by those who disagree with the position of the person being described as “woke.”

Similarly, the term “witch hunt” no longer refers to the hunting of witches in the traditional sense, but is used as a refuge for any political scoundrel in legal trouble. “Media” and “mainstream media” are also misused to describe a concerted, organized effort at disinformation, while “fake news” has been repurposed by some politicians to mean any news story that is inconvenient to the speaker.

The problem with these simplistic labels is that they do not promote real communication or dialogue. Instead of having a real discussion about the issues at stake, people are reduced to being “woke” or “anti-woke” with no real understanding of what those terms mean. This prevents any real progress towards understanding and addressing the complex issues that our country faces.

For example, instead of labeling someone as “woke” or “anti-woke,” why not have a discussion about immigration? What causes illegal immigration? Should those awaiting a decision on the legality of their entry still qualify for asylum? How do we protect our borders? These are complex issues that require serious dialogue and discussion, not simplistic labels.

The American way of handling controversy is through open discussion and dialogue. We may never completely agree, but at least we can come to an understanding of our disagreements and find some common ground in the process. Sloganeering and simplistic labels do not promote this type of discussion and only serve to further divide our country.

It’s time to move beyond political slang and start having real discussions about the issues that matter. We need to promote a culture of open dialogue and exchange of ideas if we want to see real progress in our country.

Original Story at www.post-journal.com – 2023-06-24 06:31:08

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