DOJ Interference in Hunter Biden Investigation Allegations Denied by Garland


Attorney General Merrick Garland has denied claims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) interfered in the tax investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden. Two whistleblowers had alleged that the DOJ had sought to protect the younger Biden from prosecution.

Garland addressed the allegations during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, stating that he had “absolutely not” discussed the investigation with anyone in the White House. He added that he had not received any instructions from the president or anyone else in the administration regarding the case.

The allegations of interference had been brought forward by two former DOJ officials, who claimed that they had been told to “stand down” on the investigation and that their efforts to pursue the case had been met with resistance. The whistleblowers had also alleged that the DOJ had provided “special treatment” to Hunter Biden due to his family connections.

Garland’s denial of the allegations comes amid ongoing scrutiny of the DOJ’s handling of the case. The investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes had been launched in 2018, but had reportedly been stalled during the Trump administration. The probe was revived earlier this year, and Hunter Biden announced in December that he was under investigation for potential tax violations.

Despite Garland’s assurances that the DOJ had not interfered in the case, the controversy is likely to continue. Republican lawmakers have called for an independent investigation into the matter, and the whistleblowers have indicated that they are willing to testify before Congress.

The controversy surrounding the Hunter Biden investigation has been a source of political tension since the elder Biden’s election to the presidency. Republicans have seized on the case as evidence of the president’s alleged corruption, while Democrats have criticized what they see as partisan attempts to undermine the Biden administration.

As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen whether the allegations of interference will be substantiated. However, Garland’s denial of any wrongdoing on the part of the DOJ is likely to be seen as a significant development in the ongoing controversy.

Original Story at – 2023-06-24 04:39:00

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