Christie voices opposition to bans on health care for transgender individuals


Christie Opposes Transgender Healthcare Bans

Republican presidential candidate, Chris Christie, recently spoke out against transgender healthcare bans in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. Christie emphasized the importance of parental involvement in making decisions regarding the healthcare of transgender children. He stated that the government should not exclude healthcare decisions or options for transgender individuals.

Christie’s stance is in stark contrast to the positions of many of his Republican counterparts. Earlier this year, North Carolina passed a controversial law requiring individuals to use public restrooms that match their biological sex. The law also prohibits cities from passing anti-discrimination laws protecting LGBT individuals. Similarly, Mississippi recently passed a law that allows businesses and government officials to deny services to LGBT individuals based on their religious beliefs.

Christie’s statement that healthcare decisions for transgender individuals should not be excluded by the government is especially noteworthy given the recent debate surrounding healthcare coverage for gender transition procedures. Many conservative states have attempted to pass laws barring insurance companies from covering such procedures. However, the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services recently issued a rule stating that healthcare providers cannot discriminate against transgender individuals and must cover gender transition procedures.

Christie’s position is also in line with the medical community’s stance on transgender healthcare. The American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and World Professional Association for Transgender Health all support healthcare coverage for gender transition procedures.

Christie has previously expressed support for LGBT rights, although he has been criticized for not taking a strong enough stance on issues such as marriage equality. Nevertheless, his statement against transgender healthcare bans is a significant indication of his support for transgender individuals.


Chris Christie’s opposition to transgender healthcare bans distinguishes him from many other Republican candidates, and is a welcome position for many LGBT individuals and their allies. Christie’s assertion that healthcare decisions should not be excluded by the government is in line with the medical community’s stance on transgender healthcare. While he has not always been seen as a strong ally of the LGBT community, Christie’s statement shows that he is willing to take a stand on issues that affect transgender individuals.

Original Story at – 2023-06-18 17:07:40

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