GOP Rep Loses Committee Role After ‘Great Replacement’ Post



House Speaker Joe Tate stripped GOP state Rep. Josh Schriver of his office staff, budget, and committee assignments after Schriver shared a racist conspiracy theory on social media. Despite this, Schriver will still be able to vote on the House floor. Schriver, who had previously been assigned to the House Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee, reposted a social media post about the “great replacement” theory, a theory that alleges a coordinated global effort to diminish the influence of white people.

Michigan Lawmaker Loses Office Privileges Over Racist Post

Joe Tate, the House Speaker, has penalized state Rep. Josh Schriver by withdrawing his office resources, budget, and committee assignment. Schriver, a Republican representing Oakland County, reposted a racist population conspiracy theory on social media. Schriver will retain his voting privileges on the House floor, but his access to office resources and committee services will be under Tate’s control.

Last week, Schriver publicized the “great replacement” theory, a belief in a global plot to reduce White people’s influence. In response, Tate removed Schriver’s office privileges, declaring he wouldn’t condone racist and hateful speech in the House.

Tate’s office confirmed that Schriver’s single staff member will be reassigned, and his annual office budget of $132,000 has been suspended. Schriver, who used to be part of the House Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee, was silent about the punishment.

While many Republican lawmakers condemned Schriver’s post, House Republican Leader Matt Hall did not comment on the issue. State Rep. Matt Maddock defended Schriver, stating that Schriver was a good man without a trace of racism.

Controversial Post Sparks Outrage

Schriver shared a graphic on February 6, showing black figures covering most of a world map, with white figures in smaller sections. This post, originally from right-wing pundit Jack Posobiec, was accompanied by an emoji indicating a downward trend.

The “great replacement” conspiracy theory suggests a coordinated effort to minimize White influence via immigration and lower birth rates. The theory has connections to anti-Semitism and has been mentioned by the perpetrators of several mass shootings.

Tate initially condemned Schriver’s post but refrained from action. However, Schriver’s subsequent posts on the topic seem to have prompted Tate to act.

Reaction to Comments

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer criticized Republican leadership for their lack of condemnation. Some Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Donni Steele and Sen. John Damoose, publicly criticized Schriver’s comments.

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