Beyond the Headlines: Life on Earth



Communities once centered around fossil fuel extraction are transitioning into clean energy hubs, partly due to the Inflation Reduction Act, according to a study from the Rhodium Group. Waste pickers, who extract recyclable metals and plastics from trash, are demanding to be involved in global negotiations for a plastic waste treaty. The article also mentioned the history of the “Piltdown Man” hoax fossil.

Communities Transition from Fossil Fuels to Clean Energy

A study by the Rhodium Group reveals fossil fuel-dependent areas are transforming into clean energy hubs, largely thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act. (Photo: FirstEnergy, Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)

Living on Earth’s Peter Dykstra and host Jenni Doering discuss the emerging clean energy infrastructure in former fossil fuel strongholds. They also touch on waste pickers, individuals sorting through trash for recyclable materials, who are pushing for representation in the global plastic waste treaty negotiations. In a historical look-back, they revisit the debunking of the “Piltdown Man” hoax fossil.


Living on Earth contributor Peter Dykstra shares how previously fossil fuel-dependent communities are transitioning into clean energy hubs, due to the influence of the Inflation Reduction Act. This landmark climate bill is encouraging places like Wyoming and West Virginia, previously reliant on coal, to embrace clean energy.

Moreover, waste pickers, those who sort through waste for recyclable metals and plastics, are demanding representation in the global plastic waste treaty negotiations. They are crucial for recycling efforts, often collecting twice as much recyclable waste as organized programs.

A flashback to scientific history reveals the debunking of the “Piltdown Man” hoax fossil, once claimed as the missing link between apes and men. This event serves as a reminder to critically analyze scientific claims.

Related Links

The Washington Post | “Wind and Solar Energy Are Booming in Surprising Places”

Grist | “How Waste Pickers Are Fighting for Recognition in the UN Global Plastics Treaty”

Learn more about disproving the Piltdown Man hoax

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