RFK Jr.’s Presidential Run Criticized by GOP, Ignored by Democrats



Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist, has launched an independent bid for the White House in 2024. His decision has raised concern among Republicans, including the Republican National Committee and former President Donald Trump’s campaign, who fear he could take votes away from Trump. Kennedy, a member of a well-known Democratic family, has stated his intention to distance from both political parties, with his supporters believing he could unify various political groups, though his campaign lacks the funding and support of those from Trump and President Joe Biden.

Republicans Criticize Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Independent White House Bid

Republicans voiced concerns as environmental lawyer and anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched an independent White House bid, which could draw votes away from former President Donald Trump in the 2024 elections. The Republican National Committee and Trump’s campaign criticised Kennedy’s liberal background, while Democrats remained silent.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung warned against being deceived by Kennedy’s pretense of conservative values, branding his campaign a vanity project. He suggested Kennedy was exploiting his family name for political gain.

Kennedy’s decision to run as an independent brings an element of uncertainty to the 2024 race. It’s unclear exactly how his candidacy will impact a potential Trump-Biden rematch. Kennedy, from a well-known Democratic family, has favorability ratings among Republicans and even received a recent endorsement from Trump.

Looking for Change

Kennedy announced from Philadelphia’s Independence Mall that he wanted to make a “new declaration of independence” from corporations, media, and the major political parties. He drew a large crowd of supporters comprised of disillusioned Democrats, Trump voters seeking change, and political outsiders.

His campaign must overcome obstacles such as funding, support, and experience that the Trump and Biden campaigns already possess. Kennedy’s bid comes after progressive activist Cornel West abandoned his Green Party bid for an independent run, and as the centrist group No Labels continues its search for a candidate.

Family Feud

Kennedy’s siblings issued a statement condemning his candidacy, stating that his campaign poses a threat to the country. However, Tony Lyons, co-chairman of Kennedy-supporting super PAC American Values 2024, dismissed these criticisms, stating that it’s normal for families to disagree.

While Kennedy is a long-time Democrat, he has become close to far-right figures and has gained support for his fringe views, including his anti-vaccine stance. His anti-vaccine organization, Children’s Health Defense, is currently suing several news outlets, including The Associated Press, for identifying misinformation about COVID-19 and its vaccines.

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