Biden Faces Fresh Primary Hurdle Amid Declining Support from Democrats | Politics



President Joe Biden’s approval rating among Democrats has dropped to the lowest point in his presidency due to his handling of Israel’s conflict with Hamas and concerns about his age. Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips, who is seen as more conservative than about 80% of Democrats in the House, has launched an unlikely bid for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, citing worry that Biden’s potential re-election could see a return of Donald Trump. However, Phillips has little name recognition and faces a challenging campaign against the Democratic establishment that has aligned behind Biden.

President Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Slumps Among Democrats

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is dwindling among Democrats due to his handling of Israel’s conflict with Hamas and age-related concerns. These factors are being taken advantage of by a new Democratic contender looking to seize the faltering support.

Minnesota Congressman Launches 2024 Presidential Bid

Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips, 54, announced his White House bid on Friday. Initially advising Biden not to seek reelection, Phillips now expresses his concern about a potential Trump return if the Democrats continue their current course.

Challenging Biden’s Track Record

While the Biden campaign has consistently framed him as the only Democrat capable of beating former President Trump, Phillips suggests a “generational change” is desired. This comes as Biden’s approval rating drops 11 percentage points among Democrats according to a recent Gallup poll.

Phillips Expresses Concern of Trump Return

Phillips, in his social media post on Friday, called his campaign a “last-minute” effort triggered by desperation, expressing fears of Trump returning to the White House if Biden becomes the Democratic nominee.

Phillips Faces Uphill Battle Within Democratic Party

Despite minimal recognition, Phillips’ bid for the Democratic nomination is seen as an underdog challenge. Steven Webster, a political science professor at Indiana University, questions Phillips’ strategy of running to the right of Biden, given that approximately 80% of House Democrats are more liberal than Phillips.

Phillips Calls for Other Democrats to Join the Race

Phillips encourages other Democrats to enter the race, despite the Democratic establishment’s alignment with Biden. This makes a primary contest not only a daunting initial battle but also potentially detrimental to future ambitions beyond 2024. The likelihood of a mainstream, high-profile Democrat joining the race remains uncertain.

Phillips Misses Filing Deadline in Key State

Phillips filed his candidacy for president in New Hampshire on the last day before the deadline. However, he has already missed the filing deadline in Nevada, a vital early-voting state. This could impact the entry of a Democrat with a higher chance of beating Biden.

Party Pressure and Time Constraints

Given the time constraint and party pressure, a formidable opponent seems improbable. According to Webster, challenging a sitting president in a primary can be costly for a member of Congress, leading to potential retribution from the party.

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