WWMT-TV: Michigan Legislature Prepares for a Packed Fall Session


Michigan Legislature Returns with Plans of Busy Fall Session

The Michigan Legislature is gearing up for a busy fall session, with several important issues on the agenda. Lawmakers are expected to tackle a wide range of topics, including police reform, marijuana legalization, and education funding.

Police reform is a top priority for many lawmakers, following a summer of protests against racial injustice and police brutality. The legislature is expected to consider a number of bills aimed at increasing police accountability and transparency. This includes measures to require body cameras for all police officers, ban chokeholds and no-knock warrants, and create a statewide database of police misconduct.

Another major issue on the agenda is marijuana legalization. Michigan voters approved the use of recreational marijuana in 2018, but there are still many questions surrounding the industry. Lawmakers will be looking at ways to regulate and tax the marijuana market, as well as address concerns about impaired driving and public health.

Education funding is also a key issue that will be addressed during the fall session. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a strain on schools across the state, and lawmakers will be working to ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed. This includes funding for technology upgrades, additional support for special education students, and addressing the learning loss caused by remote learning.

In addition to these issues, the legislature will also be considering bills related to healthcare, environmental protection, and economic recovery. With so many important topics on the agenda, lawmakers are expected to have a busy and productive fall session.

Michigan residents can stay informed and engaged by following the legislative process. The Michigan Legislature website provides updates on bills, committee meetings, and public hearings. Residents can also contact their state representatives and senators to voice their opinions on important issues.

As the fall session gets underway, it is important for lawmakers to listen to the concerns and priorities of their constituents. By working together, the Michigan Legislature can make meaningful progress on the issues that matter most to the people of Michigan.

Original Source:
[Michigan Legislature returns with plans of busy fall session](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwFodHRwczovL3d3bXQuY29tL25ld3Mvc3RhdGUvbWljaGlnYW4tbGVnaXNsYXR1cmUtcG9saWN5LXByaW9yaXRpZXMtZ3JldGNoZW4td2hpdG1lci1kZW1vY3JhdC1tYWpvcml0eS1mYWxsLTIwMjMtc2Vzc2lvbi1lbmVyZ3ktYWJvcnRpb24tcGFpZC1sZWF2ZS1wb2xpdGljc9IBnwFodHRwczovL3d3bXQuY29tL2FtcC9uZXdzL3N0YXRlL21pY2hpZ2FuLWxlZ2lzbGF0dXJlLXBvbGljeS1wcmlvcml0aWVzLWdyZXRjaGVuLXdoaXRtZXItZGVtb2NyYXQtbWFqb3JpdHktZmFsbC0yMDIzLXNlc3Npb24tZW5lcmd5LWFib3J0aW9uLXBhaWQtbGVhdmUtcG9saXRpY3M?oc=5)


Original Story at wwmt.com – 2023-09-07 03:36:00

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