Whitmer’s interview highlights key concerns of young voters | News, Sports, Jobs


Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently took the time to address three important issues for young voters – gun reform, the importance of the youth vote, and the need for young people to engage in the democratic process.

Gun safety is a significant concern for Michigan students and their families as they head back to school this fall. In response to this, Whitmer has signed gun legislation aimed at keeping students and communities safer. Whitmer emphasized the importance of gun safety, stating that education places should be spaces where students can focus on learning rather than worrying about their safety. As a mother of two college students, she understands that the younger generation has been uniquely impacted by gun violence. Whitmer believes that implementing common-sense gun reforms such as background checks, secure storage requirements, and red flag laws can help mitigate gun violence while still protecting gun owners’ rights.

The youth vote is another crucial issue discussed by Whitmer. Despite feeling like they don’t have a say in American politics, Gen Z and millennials are expected to make up nearly 40% of the electorate in 2024. Whitmer applauded the participation rates of young voters in Michigan during the last election, where they made their voices heard on important issues such as fundamental rights, climate change, gun violence, and good jobs. To encourage young people to vote, Whitmer stressed the importance of leveling barriers for new voters and engaging with them.

Engaging youth in the political process is a significant goal for Whitmer. She believes that experience is important, but the most crucial aspect of politics is being involved and engaged. Whitmer encourages young people to consider running for office, stating that their generation has the most at stake and will live with the policies for the longest. She emphasizes that achieving a certain status, education level, or experience is not a prerequisite for running for office. Instead, passion, care for the community, and the ability to get along with people, even those with differing opinions, make for an effective legislator.

In conclusion, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer addressed the important issues of gun reform, the youth vote, and engaging young people in the democratic process. She emphasized the need for common-sense gun reforms to mitigate gun violence while protecting gun owners’ rights. Whitmer also acknowledged the power of the youth vote and the importance of engaging with young voters. Lastly, she encouraged young people to consider running for office, highlighting that passion and the ability to care for the community are the most important qualifications.

Original Story at www.miningjournal.net – 2023-09-18 06:03:32

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