Using small-town charm, Robert Rivas aspires to establish political influence in California.


SAN BENITO COUNTY, Calif. — Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, who recently became one of the most powerful politicians in California, grew up in rural Paicines, a small town in San Benito County. Rivas is the first Assembly speaker in a generation to represent a rural district and the first from San Benito County. His rise to power came after a year-long struggle that divided Democrats in the state Capitol. Rivas managed to pull together a coalition of Democrats from various districts, both urban and rural, to topple the prior speaker, Rep. Anthony Rendon.

Rivas’ childhood in Paicines shaped his perspective and political career. He remembers his grandmother walking him and his brother to the Paicines General Store for ice cream before she went to work her night shift at a local cannery. Not much has changed in the store since then, with cowboy hats, rodeo posters, and business cards for horseshoers and beekeepers adorning the bulletin board. Rivas recalls his grandfather driving him and his brother to join picket lines during the United Farm Workers grape boycott, an experience that instilled in him a passion for fighting for farmworker rights.

Rivas’ political journey has been marked by an unusual mix of ideologies. He has a progressive record, having helped pass one of California’s first local bans on fracking as a county supervisor. But he has also worked with more moderate business-aligned Democrats and his wife was a registered Republican for many years. Rivas’ brother, whom he calls his “closest adviser,” works in the soda industry’s lobbying arm and is a political strategist for a donor network made up of Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

As Assembly Speaker, Rivas faces a number of controversial proposals that divide business and labor, such as providing unemployment benefits for workers on strike and increasing employee sick days. He must also navigate conflicts between tech companies and consumer advocates and settle debates within the Democratic Party on issues like sex trafficking, fentanyl, and climate change. Rivas’ ability to unify Democrats and lead with a clear agenda will be tested in the coming days and months.

Despite the challenges ahead, Rivas’ small-town charm and ability to bring different forces together have earned him respect and support. His humble temperament and willingness to listen have won him praise from labor leader Dolores Huerta, who worked with Rivas’ grandfather during the farmworker rights movement. Rivas may prove to be more attentive to issues affecting rural California, such as water and wildfires, but his success will largely depend on how he balances the needs of the state, the caucus, and individual members.

San Benito County, where Rivas grew up, has a unique political history. It became known as the state’s political bellwether in the early 2000s, with election results that closely mirrored the statewide vote. Nestled between the conservative Central Valley and the liberal coast, San Benito is influenced by both, reflecting the geographic forces that shape California politics. Rivas and his brother are part of this story, with their upbringing in the county playing a significant role in their political journeys.

As Rivas assumes his role as Assembly Speaker, all eyes will be on him to see how he navigates the challenges and balances the needs of the diverse districts and ideologies within the Democratic Party. Only time will tell if his small-town charm and ability to bring different forces together can translate into effective leadership for a caucus dominated by big-city liberals.

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