State Media Highlights Military Talks as North Korea’s Kim Visits Russian University and Aquarium


Kim Jong Un Continues Trip to Russia’s Far East, Touring University and Aquarium

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un continued his closely watched trip to Russia’s Far East on Sunday with a lighter agenda. After inspecting Russia’s nuclear-capable bombers and other advanced weapons the day before, Kim visited a university and watched a walrus show at a Russian aquarium.

The main focus of Kim’s trip, as highlighted by North Korean state media, was his discussions with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to expand “strategic and tactical coordination” between their countries’ militaries. This alliance has raised concerns in the West, particularly amid Russia’s ongoing war with Ukraine.

Videos released by Russia’s RIA Novosti state news agency showed Kim, dressed in a black suit and accompanied by his top officials, engaging in conversations with Russian officials through translators as they walked through the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University in Russky Island. Kim also met with the governor of Russia’s Primorye region, Oleg Kozhemyako, and other Russian officials.

At the university, Kim was informed that North Koreans were studying there, and the school expressed its willingness to welcome more North Korean students, particularly those interested in studying hydropower.

Later, Kim visited the Primorsky Aquarium, Russia’s largest aquarium, where he enjoyed performances featuring beluga whales, bottlenose dolphins, fur seals, and a walrus named “Misha.” This visit showcased a more relaxed side of Kim’s trip.

Kim’s trip to Russia, including his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, highlights the alignment of interests between the two countries amid separate confrontations with the West. There are concerns that North Korea could provide munitions to support Russia’s war on Ukraine in exchange for advanced weapons technology that would further Kim’s nuclear ambitions.

During his visit, Kim had the opportunity to inspect Russia’s most powerful fighter jets at an aircraft plant and observe strategic bombers and other warplanes at an airport near Vladivostok. These warplanes, including the Tu-160, Tu-95, and Tu-22, have been actively used in the war in Ukraine.

Kim also discussed regional security issues with Russian Defense Minister Shoigu and inspected the Admiral Shaposhnikov frigate, which is equipped with long-range Kalibr cruise missiles used in the conflict in Ukraine.

This trip suggests that Kim is seeking military cooperation with Russia, potentially to modernize North Korea’s outdated air force and strengthen its navy. Experts believe that Kim is interested in obtaining Russia’s advanced technologies for ballistic missile submarines and nuclear-propelled submarines. Joint naval exercises between Russia and North Korea may also be on the agenda.

Kim’s visit to a local theater to watch a ballet performance of Sleeping Beauty concluded his eventful day in Russia. He received a rousing ovation from the audience and expressed his gratitude for the impressive and elegant ballet.

Overall, Kim’s trip to Russia signifies a deepening alliance between North Korea and Russia, with potential implications for regional security and the balance of power in the region.

Original Source: [Associated Press](

Original Story at – 2023-09-17 01:25:00

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