Sen. Tim Kaine asserts a ‘compelling case’ for preventing Trump’s inclusion on the ballot


Senator Tim Kaine, a Democrat from Virginia, has raised the idea of barring former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot based on the 14th Amendment. Kaine argues that there is a “powerful argument to be made” for this action, which has ignited a debate about the constitutionality of such a move.

The 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified in 1868 and addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law. It states that no state shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Kaine believes that Trump’s actions leading up to and during the January 6th Capitol riot could be interpreted as a violation of this amendment.

In an interview, Kaine expressed his concerns about Trump’s potential candidacy in 2024. He stated, “There’s a powerful argument to be made that a president who incites an attack on his own government that could have killed the vice president and speaker of the House has lost the moral authority to be our president.” Kaine believes that Trump’s alleged role in inciting the violence at the Capitol could be seen as an attack on the equal protection of the laws for those involved.

Kaine’s suggestion has received mixed reactions from legal experts and politicians. Some argue that barring Trump from the presidential ballot based on the 14th Amendment would be a novel and untested application of the law. Michigan Democratic Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, acknowledges that this is uncharted territory and raises questions about how such a decision would be made and implemented.

The debate over whether Trump should be disqualified from running for president again is not limited to the 14th Amendment. Some argue that he should be held accountable through the impeachment process or criminal prosecution. Others believe that the decision should be left to the voters in future elections.

It is important to note that Kaine’s suggestion does not guarantee that Trump will be barred from the 2024 ballot. It is merely a proposal that adds to the ongoing discourse surrounding the consequences of the events that took place on January 6th. The ultimate decision on Trump’s eligibility to run for president again will likely be determined through legal and political processes that are yet to unfold.

As the discussions continue, it remains to be seen whether Kaine’s argument will gain traction and if it will lead to any concrete actions against Trump’s potential candidacy. The 14th Amendment has become a focal point of the debate, highlighting the complexities and interpretations of the Constitution in the context of unprecedented events.

Original Story at – 2023-09-03 21:51:46

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