Report: Majority of Americans Report Feeling ‘Exhausted’ When Contemplating Politics


Americans’ Confidence in Political System Hits Historic Lows, New Report Finds

A new report from the Pew Research Center reveals that Americans’ outlook on politics is bleak, with the majority lacking confidence in the nation’s political system. The report highlights that Americans’ views of politics and elected officials are overwhelmingly negative, with little hope for improvement in the future. According to the survey, 65% of Americans often or always feel exhausted when thinking about politics, while 55% feel angry. Only 10% feel hopeful, and a mere 4% feel excited.

The Pew survey also shows that positive views on governmental and political institutions are at historic lows. Trust in the federal government stands at a meager 16% among those surveyed. Additionally, a staggering 86% believe that Republicans and Democrats are more focused on fighting each other than solving the country’s problems. This sentiment is reflected in the fact that 28% of respondents express favorable views of both parties, the highest share in three decades of polling. Similarly, 25% of Americans do not feel well-represented by either party.

Furthermore, the survey reveals a deep skepticism towards elected officials. Only 14% of adults believe that most elected officials care about the thoughts of people like them, while 15% believe that all or most politicians ran for office out of a desire to serve the public. In contrast, a majority of 63% believe that all or most politicians ran for office to make a lot of money.

The report also highlights Americans’ frustration with their ability to obtain unbiased information from the media. Nearly 70% of adults express frustration with their ability to access unbiased information about politics. This dissatisfaction is particularly noteworthy given the historically high levels of voter turnout in national elections.

Additionally, the survey reveals that Americans increasingly perceive significant differences between the Democratic and Republican parties. Fifty-four percent of respondents see a great deal of difference between the two parties, a noticeable increase compared to previous decades.

Overall, the Pew report paints a grim picture of Americans’ views on politics and their confidence in the political system. The deep-seated negativity and lack of trust in elected officials and institutions, combined with frustration over biased media coverage, further exacerbate the growing divide among political parties. These findings underscore the need for significant changes in the political landscape to restore public trust and address the concerns of the American people.

– NewsNation: [Read more](
– Pew Research Center: [Survey](
– Pew Research Center: [Comparison between Democratic and Republican parties](

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