Record investments and job growth attributed to climate action


Major Climate Bill Fuels clean energy Investment and Jobs in the US

One year after the passing of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, numerous states are reaping the benefits of increased clean energy investment and job opportunities. The legislation, signed into law in August last year, has sparked a wave of clean energy and conservation projects, attracting over $84 billion in investments across the nation. The solar and storage sector alone has seen over $100 billion in investments in the United States.

Montana, among other states, has received $23 million for landscape conservation and restoration in the Prairie Pothole region. Additionally, the state has secured $8.4 million in funding for wild-land fire management in fiscal year 2023. This influx of funds will support efforts to protect Montana’s natural resources and manage the increasing risk of wildfires.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, Governor Polis highlighted the positive impact of the legislation on the state, stating that it has led to “exciting money-saving changes for Coloradans.” These changes include lower energy costs, job creation, and improved air quality. Colorado aims to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2040 and is making significant progress towards this goal.

According to Climate Power, an advocacy group, the first year of the Inflation Reduction Act has seen approximately $278 billion in new clean energy investments and the creation of over 170,000 jobs across the country. This substantial investment demonstrates the potential for economic growth and job creation in the clean energy sector.

The Department of Energy predicts that Montana will witness at least $7 billion in large-scale clean power generation and storage by 2030. With abundant renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and hydro, Montana is well-positioned to contribute to the fight against climate change.

The increasing investment in clean energy not only addresses the urgent issue of climate change but also brings economic benefits to residents. The Inflation Reduction Act includes incentives that provide Montana residents with a “clean energy bank account.” This account helps Reduce Emissions, lower household bills, and improve air quality. Savvy consumers are already taking advantage of these incentives, saving over $1,000 per year by purchasing electric cars, induction stoves, energy-efficient appliances, and replacing single-pane windows.

While progress has been made in addressing climate change, it is crucial to maintain and build upon these achievements. With an election year approaching, it is tempting for politicians to play politics with climate policies. However, any attempts to roll back or redirect critical climate investments would be unwise. Voters expect these benefits to flow into their states and support clean energy efforts.

As legislators plan for the future, they should prioritize ramping up clean energy initiatives to reduce climate pollution. This approach will not only contribute to the fight against climate change but also bring good jobs and tangible benefits to the people of Montana.

The success of the Inflation Reduction Act and the resulting clean energy investments demonstrate the potential for economic growth and job creation while addressing climate change. Montana and other states have the opportunity to lead the way in adopting clean energy solutions that benefit both the environment and the economy.

Sam Neff, a volunteer with the Flathead chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and Mark Reynolds, the executive director of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, emphasize the importance of continuing to support climate solutions and ensuring that the benefits of clean energy investments reach the people of Montana.

Original Story at – 2023-09-03 07:00:41

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