Public Release of AI Models by China’s 360 and IFlytek


China’s 360 Security Technology and iFlytek have joined the growing list of tech companies releasing their artificial intelligence (AI) models to the public. In China, companies are required to undergo security assessments and obtain clearance before making AI products available to users. With AI technology becoming a focal point of competition with the United States, Chinese authorities have been expediting their efforts to support AI development.

iFlytek, based in Hefei, is well-known for its voice recognition technology. The company announced the launch of its “Spark” AI model, while 360 Security Technology, based in Beijing and known for its antivirus software, introduced its own AI model called “Zhinao,” according to the state-backed Securities Times.

Last Thursday, Baidu Inc and SenseTime Group also revealed their plans to release ChatGPT-style chatbots to the public after receiving government approval.

The release of these AI models reflects China’s commitment to advancing its AI capabilities and keeping pace with global technological advancements. By requiring companies to go through security assessments and obtain clearance, the Chinese government aims to ensure the safety and reliability of AI products available to the public.

China’s push for AI development comes as the technology increasingly becomes a source of competition with the United States. Both countries recognize the strategic importance of AI in various sectors, including national security, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles. The race to dominate AI has led to increased investment and research in the field, as well as efforts to attract and retain AI talent.

As China expands its AI capabilities, it is also mindful of potential risks and challenges associated with AI deployment. Striking a balance between promoting innovation and maintaining security is crucial. By implementing security assessments and clearance procedures, China aims to mitigate potential threats and ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI technology.

The release of AI models by these Chinese tech companies demonstrates their commitment to advancing AI research and development. It also signifies the increasing availability of AI technology to the public, enabling individuals and businesses to leverage its capabilities for various applications.

In conclusion, China’s 360 Security Technology and iFlytek have released their AI models to the public, following the country’s requirement for security assessments and clearance. This move reflects China’s ambitions in AI development and its efforts to compete with the United States. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is expected to play a critical role in shaping various industries and driving innovation.

Original Story at – 2023-09-05 01:25:00

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