Power balance drives threat to impeach Wisconsin justice


Wisconsin Republicans Face Threat to Legislative Power Amid Drama Involving State Supreme Court

Wisconsin Republicans have held significant control over the state’s Legislature for the past twelve years, despite the state being closely divided politically. However, their grip on power is now under threat due to a dramatic situation involving the state Supreme Court. The court has recently shifted to a more liberal majority, leading Republicans to fear losing their legislative majorities that were established through heavily gerrymandered political maps.

Republicans in Wisconsin have taken the extreme step of threatening to impeach a justice who was elected earlier this year and tipped the court to a 4-3 liberal majority, unless she recuses herself from any case involving redistricting. The GOP argues that her campaign statements and fundraising raise concerns about her impartiality. However, Democratic leaders have criticized this threat as “political extortion” and are mobilizing voters to pressure Republicans in districts won by the new justice to back down.

The changing composition of the Wisconsin Supreme Court could have significant implications for the 2024 presidential election in the state. Wisconsin has been a closely contested battleground in recent presidential contests, with four out of the last six races being decided by less than a percentage point. In 2020, the conservative-controlled Supreme Court came within one vote of overturning President Joe Biden’s victory in the state. With the court now leaning liberal, Republicans are concerned about the potential impact on future elections.

The focus of Wisconsin Republicans is primarily on protecting their own futures. The political maps they drew, which helped them secure near veto-proof supermajorities, are now at risk of being overturned by the newly left-leaning Supreme Court. Lawsuits challenging these gerrymandered maps as unconstitutional were filed shortly after the new justice took her seat, but the Supreme Court has yet to decide whether to take up either case.

The resistance to giving up the power to draw electoral district boundaries is not unique to Wisconsin Republicans. Lawmakers from both parties have historically resisted such changes, as they often result in a reduction in gerrymandering. Independent commissions, which have been implemented in some states, tend to draw districts that better reflect the will of the voters. Michigan serves as an example, where a citizen-led effort led to the adoption of an independent commission, resulting in more balanced legislative control in the state.

Unlike Michigan, Wisconsin does not allow citizens to bypass the legislature through ballot initiatives, making it difficult for the redistricting process to be changed without lawmakers voluntarily relinquishing their power. This has allowed Wisconsin Republicans to maintain their large majorities in the Legislature, despite voters electing Democrats to statewide executive offices such as governor and attorney general.

The recent election in Wisconsin highlighted the imbalance caused by gerrymandering. Despite receiving less than 55% of the votes, Republicans won 65% of the seats in the state Assembly. Democratic lawmakers and activists argue that this is evidence of a rigged system and are pushing for reforms to address the issue.

With limited options for reform, Wisconsin Democrats have turned their attention to winning a majority on the state Supreme Court. The election of Janet Protasiewicz earlier this year gave Democrats the long-awaited majority on the court. Protasiewicz has been vocal about her opposition to the Republican-drawn maps and received significant support from the Democratic Party during her campaign. However, Republican lawmakers are continuing to call for her recusal from redistricting cases, claiming that her previous statements and donations from Democrats compromise her impartiality.

The battle over redistricting in Wisconsin is far from over. Republicans are determined to maintain their legislative power, while Democrats are working to challenge the gerrymandered maps through legal means. The outcome of this struggle will have significant implications for the future of Wisconsin politics and could impact the 2024 presidential election in the state.

Original Story at spectrumnews1.com – 2023-09-10 15:25:00

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