Number of first responders lost to post-9/11 illnesses almost matches September 11 firefighter fatalities


Number of 9/11 First Responders Who Died from Illnesses Equals Number of Firefighters Who Died on 9/11

The number of first responders who have died from 9/11-related illnesses now almost equals the number of firefighters who died during the terror attacks themselves. According to the Uniformed Firefighters Association, a total of 341 New York City Fire Department firefighters, paramedics, and civilian support staff who died from post-9/11 illnesses are now memorialized at the FDNY World Trade Center Memorial Wall. This memorial commemorates both first responders who died during the attacks and those who died from related illnesses in the years since. The count of 341 almost equals the 343 New York firefighters who died during the 2001 attacks.

Recently, the fire department added 43 names to the memorial, according to a news release. Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh stated, “As we approach the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, the FDNY continues to feel the impact of that day. Each year, this memorial wall grows as we honor those who gave their lives in service of others. These brave men and women showed up that day, and in the days and months following the attacks to participate in the rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site. We will never forget them.”

Exposure to the dust at the World Trade Center has been tied to a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease among firefighters who responded to the scene. Additionally, respiratory disease and thousands of cancer diagnoses have been linked to the toxic pollutants released during the attacks. More than 71,000 people are currently enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Registry, a long-term study seeking to understand the physical and mental health effects of the terror attacks. In addition to first responders, the attacks have left lasting health impacts on workers in the World Trade Center who evacuated their workplaces, passersby, residents of the surrounding buildings, and volunteers who spent time at Ground Zero in the weeks after.

One of the firefighters recently added to the memorial is Lt. Joseph Brosi, who died in February after a long battle with lung cancer. His son Jim Brosi said not a day has gone by where he has not thought about his father. “We just miss him,” he told CNN. “He was just always present in everything we did.” Joseph Brosi was at Ground Zero on September 11 and continued working there “day in and day out,” according to his son. Jim Brosi and his brother, Joe, are also firefighters who worked alongside their father the day the twin towers fell. Brosi expressed concern that the number of first responders who died from illnesses related to the attacks “has grown each year and my fear is it will continue to grow.” He monitors his health closely but refuses to live in constant worry.

As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, it is important to remember and honor the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who responded to the attacks and the ongoing health challenges they face as a result. The FDNY World Trade Center Memorial Wall serves as a reminder of their dedication and the toll that day continues to take on their lives.

Original Story at – 2023-09-11 14:04:00

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