[gpt3] Rewrite this title: Erdogan says Turkey may part ways with the EU. He implied the country could end its membership bid [/gpt4]


Turkey’s EU Membership Bid in Doubt

President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, signaled on Saturday that Turkey may be considering abandoning its long-standing bid to join the European Union. President Erdogan implied that the nation is contemplating parting ways with the 27-nation bloc, hinting at a potential shift in its foreign policy.

Speaking to reporters before his departure for the 78th U.N. General Assembly in New York, the President stated, “The EU is making efforts to sever ties with Turkey,”. He went on to say, “We will evaluate the situation, and if needed we will part ways with the EU.”

EU-Turkey Relations Under Scrutiny

The Turkish leader’s comments were in response to a question about a recent report adopted by the European Parliament. The report suggested that “the accession process cannot resume under the current circumstances, and calls on EU to explore ‘a parallel and realistic framework’ for EU-Türkiye relations.”

Turkey has been striving to join the European Union since 1999, and official accession talks started in 2005. However, these negotiations were put on hold in 2018 due to concerns over “democratic backsliding,” as stated by the European Parliament.

Conflicting Signals Over EU Membership

Erdogan’s statement on Saturday is in stark contrast to comments made by Turkey’s foreign minister a little over a week prior. The foreign minister had reiterated Turkey’s resolve to join the EU and urged the bloc to take bold steps to advance its bid.

Despite a history of contentious relations, the prospect of Turkey’s membership in the EU has been a significant diplomatic goal for both parties. However, this latest development could indicate a potential shift in the strategic objectives of Turkey, further complicating its relationship with the European Union.

Future Implications of Erdogan’s Comment

As it stands, the future of Turkey’s relationship with the EU is uncertain. If Erdogan’s comments reflect the country’s official policy, it could signal a major shift in Turkey’s foreign relations strategy. Furthermore, it could have significant implications for ongoing negotiations and discussions regarding issues such as immigration, trade, and security cooperation between the two parties.

Original Story at apnews.com – 2023-09-16 13:03:00

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