Former Florida Surgeon General criticizes successor’s COVID vaccine guidance


Florida’s former top public health official, Dr. Scott Rivkees, criticized Governor Ron DeSantis’ latest move into COVID-19 vaccine skepticism, stating that the state is wrong to discourage those under the age of 65 from getting the new booster. Rivkees, who served as the state’s surgeon general before Dr. Joseph Ladapo, said that this decision goes against the goals of public health. He highlighted that vaccination rates in Florida have decreased, and he believes that the anti-vaccine messaging is having a cumulative effect. Rivkees expressed his concerns in an interview with the USA TODAY NETWORK – Florida.

Governor DeSantis broke with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by issuing guidance that contradicted their recommendation for everyone over the age of 6 months to receive COVID-19 boosters. This announcement was made during a discussion broadcast on social media, where DeSantis was joined by three research scientists known for raising doubts about vaccines and their safety.

DeSantis, who has been criticized by former President Donald Trump for his previous support of COVID-19 restrictions, is trailing behind Trump in polls for the Republican presidential nomination. However, he has positioned himself as a staunch opponent of federal direction on the disease. The governor has also been accused of fueling conspiracies about the pandemic while campaigning, particularly among Republican voters who remain hesitant about COVID and vaccines.

Dr. Rivkees, who is currently a professor at the Brown University School of Public Health, emphasized that COVID is a vaccine-preventable disease and that the vaccines are safe and effective. He stated that DeSantis and Ladapo’s actions go against conventional public health norms, as they should advocate for measures that keep the public healthy. Rivkees believes that promoting a positive message about the benefits of vaccines is crucial in ensuring public safety.

The controversy surrounding DeSantis’ stance on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters highlights the ongoing debate and division surrounding vaccination efforts in the United States. As the Delta variant continues to spread and new COVID variants emerge, public health officials and policymakers face the challenge of balancing vaccine skepticism with the need to protect public health and mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

In conclusion, Dr. Scott Rivkees, Florida’s former top public health official, criticized Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to discourage those under the age of 65 from receiving COVID-19 boosters. Rivkees believes that this move goes against public health goals and contributes to lower vaccination rates in the state. Meanwhile, DeSantis has broken with the CDC’s recommendations and has been accused of fueling conspiracies about the pandemic. The debate surrounding vaccination efforts and boosters continues to divide public opinion, highlighting the challenges faced by policymakers and public health officials in addressing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Original Story at – 2023-09-15 23:03:39

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