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Headline: “Important Notice: Copyright Information and Usage Policy for Dow Jones Content”

Sub-headline: Understanding Usage Rights for Dow Jones Materials

Dow Jones and Company, Inc., a global leader in news and business information, wishes to remind you of the copyright restrictions and usage guidelines concerning its content. All Dow Jones materials, including print, digital, and multimedia assets, are protected by copyright law and these regulations apply to all users, regardless of their capacity or intent.

Sub-headline: Personal vs. Non-commercial Use

The copyright law permits personal, non-commercial use of Dow Jones content. This means you can read, print, and share Dow Jones articles or multimedia materials for your personal education or enjoyment. However, the use of these materials for commercial purposes, without prior consent, is strictly prohibited.

Sub-headline: Distribution and Use of Dow Jones Content

The distribution and usage of Dow Jones materials are governed by our Subscriber Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions that subscribers must agree to before accessing our content. Furthermore, the copyright laws also regulate the distribution and use of these materials. Any unauthorized use or distribution of Dow Jones content is a violation of these agreements and laws, leading to potential legal consequences.

Sub-headline: Ordering Multiple Copies and Non-personal Use

For non-personal use or to order multiple copies of Dow Jones content, users must contact Dow Jones Reprints. This service allows you to legally distribute our materials in multiple copies or use them for non-personal purposes, like in a business presentation or an educational seminar.

Sub-headline: Contacting Dow Jones Reprints

Dow Jones Reprints can be reached at 1-800-843-0008 or through their website at www.djreprints.com. They are ready to assist you with your requests and guide you through the process of securing the necessary permissions for non-personal and commercial use of Dow Jones materials.

Sub-headline: Adherence to Copyright Laws

By adhering to these guidelines and respecting the copyright laws, users can enjoy Dow Jones’ wealth of news and business information while ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights. Users are urged to be mindful of these policies and to contact Dow Jones Reprints for any queries or requests for non-personal use.

Original Story at www.barrons.com – 2023-09-07 12:48:00

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