After 70 Years, a Person Responds to a Woman’s Plea Written on an Egg in 1951


92-Year-Old Woman Finally Receives Response to Message Written on Egg 70 Years Ago

A 92-year-old woman from Iowa had a 70-year dream come true when a message she wrote on an egg in 1951 was finally responded to. Mary Foss, along with her colleagues at a packing plant in Forest City, decided to sign eggs with their name and hometown and send them off in different boxes. They hoped that someone on the East Coast would find the eggs and become their pen pal. Mary wrote on several eggs, “Whoever gets this egg, please write me,” along with her name and the date. The stunt became a memory for Mary, who never received a response.

Unbeknownst to Mary, one of her eggs had been found by a man named Miller Richardson, who kept it for decades in his home. The egg eventually ended up in the hands of John Amalfitano, Richardson’s neighbor, who kept it in his china cabinet for 20 years. The story of the egg was shared on Facebook in a group called “Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared,” where Amalfitano hoped to locate Mary. He posted photos of the egg and expressed his desire to find her.

The post caught the attention of Mary’s family members, who shared it with her daughter, Jacque Ploeger. Ploeger then called Amalfitano, who slowly began explaining the egg story. To his surprise, Mary herself spoke up in the background, saying, “This is Mary Foss.” The brief conversation between Amalfitano and Mary was incredibly uplifting, and both expressed their desire to meet.

This heartwarming story of connection across time has captured the attention of many, with people eager to solve the 72-year-old mystery. Mary finally found a pen pal from New York, where Amalfitano resides on Staten Island. It’s a remarkable tale of serendipity and the power of human connection, reminding us that sometimes, dreams can come true even after decades.

This story is reminiscent of other long-awaited reunions, such as the recent meeting of pen pals who began writing letters to each other 68 years ago. It serves as a reminder that the bonds we form can withstand the test of time and distance.

The egg story has touched the hearts of many, spreading joy and hope in a world that often feels disconnected. Mary’s 70-year dream has finally been fulfilled, and she can now look forward to building a new friendship with Amalfitano. It’s a testament to the enduring power of hope and the beauty of unexpected connections.

Please share this egg-cellent story with your friends and spread the joy it brings.

Original Story at – 2023-09-07 18:00:50

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