Union Square in NYC Experiences Police Response Due to Twitch Streamer’s ‘Massive Giveaway’


Social media influencer Kai Cenat is facing charges of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly after a massive crowd gathered in Union Square in New York City for a giveaway event. Cenat, who boasts millions of followers on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch, announced during a Twitch stream that he would be hosting a “huge giveaway” in Union Square Park. The event attracted thousands of people, leading to chaos and violence, with dozens of arrests and several police officers injured.

According to NYPD Chief Jeffrey Maddrey, people began gathering at the park hours before the scheduled event. The crowd quickly grew, obstructing traffic and overwhelming the area. Maddrey explained that the NYPD initially activated a “Level 2” response to handle the crowds, but as the situation escalated, they had to upgrade to a “Level 4” response, the highest level of disaster response.

As the crowd swelled, acts of violence were committed against both the police and the public. Some attendees even took items from a nearby construction site, including shovels and axes. Fireworks were also thrown, posing a significant danger to everyone present. Maddrey stated that Cenat was removed by the police for safety reasons, as he had not informed the authorities about the gathering or obtained the necessary permit.

During the chaos, several police officers were injured, and numerous arrests were made to restore order. Maddrey expressed his disappointment that more parents did not come to help disperse the disorderly crowds, as some children were injured as well. In total, 65 people were arrested, including 30 juveniles.

Cenat now faces charges of inciting a riot and unlawful assembly, among others. CNN has reached out to Cenat’s representatives for comment on the incident. Maddrey emphasized that while gatherings of young people are not inherently a problem, they cannot escalate to such dangerous levels, causing harm to individuals. He urged influencers to communicate with law enforcement before organizing events, allowing for appropriate measures to be put in place for everyone’s safety.

Cenat had promised attendees the chance to win prizes by answering random questions related to YouTube and streaming. He documented the event on his Twitch stream and shared images on his Instagram story, expressing his love and concern for his followers’ safety.

The aftermath of the event saw the dispersal of the crowd from Union Square Park, but the police continued to monitor crowds in Manhattan. It is crucial for influencers to collaborate with law enforcement beforehand to ensure the necessary precautions are taken, such as setting up barriers and providing extra officers.

In conclusion, the giveaway event organized by social media influencer Kai Cenat in Union Square Park turned chaotic and violent, resulting in numerous arrests and injuries. The incident highlights the need for influencers to communicate with law enforcement and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of attendees and the public.

Original Story at www.cnn.com – 2023-08-05 03:53:00

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