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Title: Former President Donald Trump and Allies Indicted in Georgia – Trial Date Coincides with Super Tuesday

Former President Donald Trump and several allies, including Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani, have been indicted in the State of Georgia for alleged interference with the 2020 vote count. The timing of the charges has raised questions, as the trial date has been set for March 4, 2024, which coincides with Super Tuesday, when fourteen states will be holding presidential primary elections. This article examines the implications of the indictments, the political breakdown of Super Tuesday states, and the potential consequences for Trump’s future political ambitions.

Trump and Allies Indicted:
Former President Donald Trump and scores of his allies, including Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani, have been indicted in the State of Georgia for alleged interference with the 2020 vote count. The indictment alleges that the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn Georgia’s presidential election result. The Trump campaign issued a statement questioning the timing of the charges, as they believe it was strategically done to interfere with Trump’s successful campaign.

Trial Date Coincides with Super Tuesday:
The Georgia judge presiding over the case has set a trial date of March 4, 2024, which raises suspicions about the timing. Super Tuesday is a crucial day in the presidential primaries, with fourteen states holding elections. Prior to March 4, five other states will have already held their primaries. This coincidence has led to speculation that the prosecutor and judge may be colluding to harm Trump’s chances in the primaries. However, the political breakdown of Super Tuesday states suggests that the judge may not have stacked the deck entirely.

Implications for Trump’s Future:
Indictments against Trump have historically emboldened his base and increased his support. The Georgia case, being a state prosecution, holds no pardon powers for any president. However, there may be some wiggle room for Trump’s allies. Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ legal team has filed a brief to move the case to federal court, arguing that it should fall under federal jurisdiction. If successful, this move would reinstate the Trump pardon power, leading to potential appeals that could drag on for years.

GOP Debate Showdown and Florida Governor DeSantis:
A significant GOP debate is set to take place in Wisconsin, featuring eight candidates, including Trump, Mike Pence, and Ron DeSantis. All candidates must sign a pledge to support the eventual nominee, which Trump has refused to do. The debate may serve as a platform for Trump to create a sideshow of publicity aimed at himself. Meanwhile, DeSantis, thought to be the Republicans’ best shot at defeating Trump in 2024, has slipped to third place in the key early primary state of New Hampshire.

Strange Bedfellows of Presidential Politics:
There has been speculation about Trump and DeSantis reconciling, with Trump potentially choosing DeSantis as his vice-presidential running mate in 2024. However, the U.S. Constitution states that both members of the ticket must be from different states. To overcome this obstacle, Trump would need to change his legal residence back to New York or New Jersey, as Cheney did in 2000. This scenario remains a possibility, considering DeSantis’ potential as the frontrunner for the 2028 elections.

Former President Donald Trump and several allies facing indictments in Georgia have raised questions about the timing and potential political implications. The trial date coinciding with Super Tuesday has sparked suspicions of collusion to harm Trump’s chances in the primaries. However, the political breakdown of Super Tuesday states suggests that the judge may not have entirely stacked the deck against Trump. The legal proceedings and potential appeals could extend well beyond the 2024 primaries and election, allowing Trump to continue running for president. Additionally, the GOP debate showdown and the slipping popularity of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis add further complexity to the evolving political landscape. The possibility of Trump and DeSantis reconciling and forming a presidential ticket in 2024 remains intriguing, albeit with constitutional obstacles to overcome.

Original Story at www.golocalprov.com – 2023-08-20 06:25:45

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