Putin retaliates against US in Syria amidst mounting pressure in Ukraine


Dangerous Confrontations Between Russia and US in Syria Point to Escalating Shadow War

Dangerous confrontations between Russia and the United States in the skies over Syria are pointing to an escalating shadow war as Russian President Vladimir Putin suffers more losses in Ukraine. Experts warn that Putin is looking to strike against the U.S. for supporting Ukraine in its defensive war, focusing its retaliatory actions in the Middle East to avoid a wider conflict with NATO in Europe.

Escalation of Tensions

Tensions between Russia and the U.S. have been escalating since March of this year, driven largely by Russian provocations of the U.S. in Syria. These tensions are a direct result of the war in Ukraine, where the Russians are seeking to provoke the U.S. by targeting them in a place removed from the Ukraine conflict arena itself.

Putin’s Frustration Translates into Confrontations

As Ukrainian forces slowly regain territory that Russia captured during its invasion in February 2022, Putin has become increasingly frustrated. He has framed his war of aggression against Ukraine as a defensive war against the West, specifically lashing out at the U.S. for its support of Kyiv. Now, this frustration is manifesting in dangerous confrontations with the U.S. in Syria.

Confrontations in the Skies

In July, Russian warplanes fired flares that reportedly damaged two U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drones in back-to-back incidents. This followed four other instances the previous month of Russian aircraft crossing over the flight path of American warplanes in Syria’s skies. In March, a Russian jet clipped the wing of an American Reaper drone above the Black Sea, causing it to crash.

U.S. Response and Warning

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin issued a warning to Putin to rein in his air force during a press conference in Australia. Austin called upon the Russian leadership to issue guidance to their troops to abide by the laws of the sky and cease their irresponsible behavior. The U.S. has about 900 forces deployed in northeast Syria conducting counterterrorism operations against ISIS.

Calls for Stronger Response

Some experts argue that the Biden administration is exercising too much restraint in Syria and other areas where the U.S. confronts Russia. They believe that until Russia pays a cost for its escalatory behavior, it will not stop. The U.S. is urged to send a more robust military signal and act out of self-defense, as it did in a 2018 incident where U.S. forces engaged in a firefight against Russian soldiers.

The Importance of Partnership and Signaling

Experts highlight the importance of the U.S.’s commitment to partnering with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and conducting counter-ISIS missions in Syria. They also note the recent deployments of military equipment to the Syrian theater as important signals to Russia. These actions demonstrate that the U.S. is willing to impose costs on Russia for its reckless behavior and serve as a deterrent against future escalation.

In conclusion, dangerous confrontations between Russia and the U.S. in Syria are a result of escalating tensions driven by Russian provocations and frustrations over Ukraine. The U.S. is urged to take stronger action and send clearer signals to Russia to deter further escalation. The commitment to partnering with the SDF and deploying military equipment are important steps in this direction.

Original Story at thehill.com – 2023-08-05 19:00:00

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