Michigan Advance: America Navigates Uncharted and Dangerous Historical Terrain


America is facing a dangerous and unprecedented moment in its history, as the nation grapples with deep divisions and challenges to its core values. Efforts to dismantle the principles that America was built upon, including equal rights for all citizens, are becoming increasingly prevalent in both local and national politics. There is a growing concern that there have always been two Americas, each with its own set of beliefs and values, masquerading as one.

One of the most concerning trends is the ongoing efforts in many states to restrict voting access, particularly for minority communities. These efforts are rooted in the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, perpetuating what has been dubbed “The Big Lie.” Despite the lack of evidence supporting this claim, many elected officials continue to embrace it or refuse to denounce it. These regressive voting policies undermine the foundation of democracy and threaten the integrity of the electoral process.

In addition to the assault on voting rights, there is a growing disregard for the rule of law. Former President Donald Trump, who should be a model practitioner of the rule of law, has consistently shown disrespect for legal institutions and traditions. Despite his actions, he continues to enjoy support from prominent elected officials and a significant portion of the American population. This erosion of respect for the rule of law poses a grave threat to the nation’s stability and survival.

The issues around race also persist, despite some progress being made. Efforts to ban books and control the curriculum in schools aim to rewrite history and deny the systemic racism that has long plagued America. Recent Supreme Court rulings, such as the abolishment of Affirmative Action, further undermine equal access and opportunity for black Americans. These actions reinforce the notion that blacks do not have the same inalienable rights as whites when it comes to education, employment, and housing.

Furthermore, the emerging America is embracing cultural wars that target marginalized communities and seek to control individual rights. Legislative initiatives are being introduced to restrict reproductive rights, religious freedom, and LGBTQ rights. Even the Defense Budget Bill is being influenced by elements of the cultural war. This rising America seeks to keep blacks as second-class citizens and undermine the principles of equality and inclusivity.

Fortunately, there are still many citizens who remain grounded in the America governed by the Constitution and the rule of law. They believe in tolerance, equality, and embracing the diversity of humanity. However, the battle between these two Americas is reaching a critical point, with both sides claiming to be the right path toward greatness. It is a journey that cannot be denied or abandoned.

The question now is which America will prevail. Will it be the America that upholds the principles of equality and justice, or the one that perpetuates division and discrimination? The outcome of this struggle will determine the future of the nation and its ability to address the pressing issues that need attention. America is at a crossroads, and the choices made in the coming years will shape its destiny.

Original Story at michiganadvance.com – 2023-08-08 07:49:27

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