In 2024 campaign, Trump transforms the unimaginable into actuality


Donald Trump’s decision to boycott the first televised presidential debate and instead surrender to authorities over his fourth criminal indictment is a clear indication that the defining moments of the 2024 election will happen in the courtroom rather than on the campaign trail. The unparalleled circumstances of this presidential election, taking place under the shadow of Trump’s legal troubles, have allowed him to ignore the typical rules of campaigning.

The recent Republican Party debate in Wisconsin was a conventional event that candidates have historically used to ignite their campaigns. However, Trump’s absence from the debate, citing his substantial lead in the GOP primary, turned the event into an audition for second place. It is becoming increasingly apparent that Trump is on track for his third consecutive Republican nomination.

Hosted by Fox News, the debate highlighted the challenge faced by other major candidates who are trying to capitalize on Trump’s legal issues without alienating primary voters who view the indictments against him as politically motivated. The reluctance of candidates to criticize Trump’s attempts to overturn the election reflects the difficult position they find themselves in.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who has been outspoken about Trump’s conduct, has limited prospects in the primary race due to his strong stance. Candidates like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who try to navigate the issue without directly criticizing Trump, are failing to slow down the former president’s momentum.

Trump’s legal liabilities will be further exposed when he is processed at Fulton County, Georgia, where he and 18 co-defendants have been indicted for attempting to steal the 2020 election. If treated like his co-defendants, Trump will be fingerprinted and subjected to a mug shot, a significant moment in American history.

Despite his multiple indictments, Trump is using his legal troubles as a shield and has merged his defense strategy with his political campaign. He is attacking the rule of law and perpetuating the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Trump’s strategy relies on winning the White House to disrupt his trials and potential convictions.

The GOP debate in Milwaukee, which would typically offer exposure to candidates like DeSantis, Haley, and Pence, was overshadowed by the spectacle of Trump heading to the Fulton County jail for processing. It remains to be seen whether any of the candidates on stage were able to narrow the significant gap between Trump and the rest of the field.

As the election progresses, it is becoming increasingly clear that the courtroom will play a pivotal role in shaping the outcome. Trump’s decision to ignore traditional campaign rituals in favor of confronting his legal challenges demonstrates the unique circumstances of this election. The battle for the presidency is unfolding in unprecedented ways, and it remains to be seen how Trump’s legal troubles will impact his campaign and the overall election.

Original Story at – 2023-08-24 11:06:00

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