Former VP Pence disputes Trump lawyer’s claim that he will be defense’s strongest witness in 2020 election case


Former President Donald Trump’s attorney, John Lauro, argued that former Vice President Mike Pence will be the defense’s “best witness” in the federal case accusing Trump of trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Lauro made this statement even as Pence seeks to distance himself from Trump’s characterization of events. In an interview with “Face the Nation,” Lauro expressed no concern about Pence potentially being called as a witness in the case. Lauro believes that Pence’s testimony will be crucial to the defense as he agrees with the legal advice given by John Eastman to President Trump and acknowledges the existence of election irregularities and fraud at the state level. Lauro believes that Pence’s testimony will undermine any allegations of criminal intent on the part of Trump.

Trump is facing charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights for his alleged actions related to his 2020 election loss. Trump has pleaded not guilty, and Lauro has stated that he will not accept a plea deal. Pence is a key figure in the prosecution’s case, with the indictment portraying him as the central force resisting the alleged schemes to delay the transfer of power and repeatedly being pressured by Trump to overturn the Electoral College results.

Pence has rejected the notion that Trump only asked him to pause the counting of electoral votes on January 6, 2021, to allow for audits of state election results. Pence clarified that he had no such authority and suggested that they should let the lawsuits play out and let Congress consider objections. Although there was a constitutional disagreement between Pence and Trump, Lauro emphasized that such disagreements have never been prosecuted criminally in the country’s history. Lauro further noted that while Pence disagreed with Trump’s ultimate request to allow states time to audit and rectify, it led to a transition of power. Pence never characterized Trump’s alleged actions as criminal, even though they had a constitutional disagreement.

Pence has stated that he is willing to testify if the case against Trump goes to trial and if he is required to do so. The defense believes that Pence’s testimony will be vital in undermining the prosecution’s case and demonstrating that Trump’s actions were not criminally motivated.

In summary, John Lauro, former President Donald Trump’s attorney, believes that former Vice President Mike Pence will be the defense’s strongest witness in the federal case accusing Trump of trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Lauro argues that Pence’s testimony will undermine any allegations of criminal intent on Trump’s part. Despite their constitutional disagreement, Pence never characterized Trump’s actions as criminal. If the case goes to trial, Pence has expressed his willingness to testify. The defense sees his testimony as crucial in discrediting the prosecution’s case.

Original Story at – 2023-08-06 15:04:21

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