Colombia’s Former Most-Wanted Drug Lord, Otoniel, Sentenced to 45 Years in US Prison


Otoniel, once considered one of the most dangerous drug lords in the world, has been sentenced to 45 years in prison in the United States. Dairo Antonio Úsuga, also known as Otoniel, accepted responsibility for his crimes and apologized to the governments of the United States and Colombia, as well as the victims of his crimes. He pleaded guilty to high-level drug trafficking charges earlier this year, admitting his involvement in smuggling tons of cocaine to the United States.

Úsuga and his lawyers attempted to portray him as a product of his country’s struggles, growing up in poverty and surrounded by guerrilla warfare. He claimed to have been recruited into the conflict at a young age and hardened by decades of violence. However, U.S. District Judge Dora Irizarry rejected this argument, stating that many people from similar backgrounds have managed to work their way out of such environments. She emphasized that Úsuga had opportunities to leave his life of crime but chose not to.

Colombia has been plagued by conflict for decades, with various armed groups vying for control of the country. The violence has resulted in the deaths of over a million people and the displacement of millions more. Úsuga allied himself with both left- and right-wing combatants before joining the Gulf Clan, one of Colombia’s most powerful and brutal criminal organizations. He was Colombia’s most-wanted kingpin until his arrest in 2021 and had been under indictment in the U.S. since 2009.

The Gulf Clan, also known as the Gaitanist Self Defense Forces of Colombia, controls a region rich in smuggling routes for drugs, weapons, and migrants. The group has engaged in violent clashes with rival gangs, paramilitary groups, and Colombian authorities. It financed its rule by imposing “taxes” on cocaine produced, stored, or transported through its territory. Úsuga admitted to ordering homicides as part of his military work and terrorizing the public by ordering stay-home-or-die “strikes” and offering bounties for the lives of police and soldiers.

Relatives of the Gulf Clan’s victims wrote heartbreaking letters to the court, detailing the devastating impact of Úsuga’s actions on their lives. Despite being the target of manhunts and reward offers, Úsuga managed to evade capture for many years by constantly moving between rural safe houses. Even after his arrest, Gulf Clan members attempted to poison a potential witness against him and targeted the witness’ lawyer.

In conclusion, Otoniel, also known as Dairo Antonio Úsuga, has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for his involvement in high-level drug trafficking and violent crimes. While he attempted to justify his actions by citing his difficult background, the judge rejected this argument and emphasized that he had opportunities to leave his life of crime. The Gulf Clan, the criminal organization led by Úsuga, has caused immense suffering and death in Colombia. The sentencing of Úsuga is a significant step towards justice for the victims of his crimes.

Original Story at – 2023-08-08 18:02:00

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