CBP and HSI Return Valuable Cultural Artifacts to Mexico from Memphis


CBP and HSI Repatriate 281 Cultural Artifacts to Mexico

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents have repatriated 281 cultural artifacts, some dating back to 900 B.C., to the Government of Mexico. The repatriation ceremony took place at CBP’s Area Port of Memphis, Tenn., where CBP Area Port Director Michael Neipert presented the artifacts to Ambassador Carlos Giralt-Cabrales of the Consulate of Mexico in Little Rock, Ark.

The artifacts were part of seven shipments that arrived from Mexico between 2016 and 2021. They were destined for addresses in California, South Carolina, and Florida. CBP officers suspected the products to be cultural artifacts and detained them. With the assistance of HSI agents and Government of Mexico officials, it was confirmed that the products were indeed cultural artifacts of Mexico.

The nine shipments contained various artifacts, including Olmec stature, Olmec figures, tubular beads, zoomorphic amulet, body adornments, bowls, earflares, human head amulet, temple effigy, prismatic blades, basalt grinding stone, tripod glass with lid, hand grinding stone, flint projectile points, carved obsidian, clay anthropomorphic figurines, clay and stone earmuffs, metallic ring string, stone spindle, clay winch, jars, sea snail shell fragments, vase, and copper rattle.

CBP’s Office of International Affairs and the Government of Mexico collaborated to initiate the repatriation process, which culminated in the recent ceremony. Area Port Director Neipert expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to return these priceless national treasures to the government and citizens of Mexico. He emphasized CBP’s commitment to identifying, rescuing, and returning precious antiquities that are being smuggled by those who profit from the theft of another country’s historical and cultural property.

Most countries, including the United States, have laws in place to protect their cultural property. These laws include export controls and national ownership of cultural property. Bilateral agreements between countries further safeguard cultural property by imposing restrictions on the importation of certain categories of archeological and ethnological material. These agreements help reduce the incentive for looting at heritage sites.

While these agreements do not confer ownership, importers must provide documents such as export permits and receipts when importing cultural items into the United States. This ensures compliance with the regulations and helps prevent the illicit trade of cultural artifacts.

CBP’s border security mission is carried out by CBP officers and agriculture specialists at the nation’s Ports of Entry. They screen international travelers and cargo, searching for illicit narcotics, unreported currency, weapons, counterfeit consumer goods, prohibited agriculture, invasive weeds and pests, and other illicit products that could potentially harm the American public, U.S. businesses, and the nation’s safety and economic vitality.

To stay updated on CBP news, follow the Director of CBP’s New Orleans Field Office on Twitter at @DFONewOrleans and CBP’s Office of Field Operations on Instagram at @cbpfieldops.

Original Story at www.cbp.gov – 2023-08-16 19:14:00

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