Biden highlights ‘Bidenomics’ policies during Belen speech | Local News – Santa Fe New Mexican


Biden Touts ‘Bidenomics’ Policies in Belen Speech

In a recent speech delivered in Belen, New Mexico, President Joe Biden highlighted his administration’s economic policies, which he referred to as ‘Bidenomics.’ The president emphasized the importance of investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and education to drive economic growth and job creation.

During his address, President Biden reiterated his commitment to the American Jobs Plan, a $2.3 trillion proposal aimed at rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and creating millions of new jobs. He emphasized that these investments would not only modernize the country’s roads, bridges, and public transit systems but also help combat climate change and promote clean energy.

The president highlighted the need for a transition to clean energy, emphasizing the potential for job creation in industries such as renewable energy, electric vehicles, and energy-efficient housing. He stressed the importance of investing in research and development to spur innovation in these sectors and ensure the United States remains a global leader in clean technology.

Education was another key focus of President Biden’s speech. He emphasized the need to invest in early childhood education, community colleges, and workforce training programs to provide Americans with the skills needed for the jobs of the future. The president also highlighted his American Families Plan, which aims to provide universal pre-K education, tuition-free community college, and expanded access to affordable childcare.

President Biden’s economic agenda aims to address longstanding inequalities and create an economy that works for all Americans. He emphasized the importance of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour and providing workers with better benefits and protections. The president also highlighted the need to invest in historically disadvantaged communities and promote small businesses, particularly those owned by women and people of color.

In his speech, President Biden acknowledged that his economic policies would require significant investment but argued that they were necessary to ensure long-term economic growth and competitiveness. He emphasized that these investments would be paid for by raising taxes on the wealthiest individuals and corporations, ensuring that they contribute their fair share to fund these initiatives.

Overall, President Biden’s speech in Belen highlighted his administration’s commitment to an ambitious economic agenda focused on infrastructure, clean energy, and education. The president emphasized the need for significant investment to drive job creation, address climate change, and promote equality. As his ‘Bidenomics’ policies take shape, their impact on the nation’s economy will become clearer in the months and years ahead.

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Original Story at – 2023-08-10 05:45:00

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