Ukraine Acquires Cluster Munitions, Commits to Restrained Deployment


Ukraine Receives Cluster Bombs from the United States

KYIV, July 13 – Ukraine has recently received cluster bombs from the United States, a type of munition that is banned in over 100 countries. However, Ukrainian officials have assured that these weapons will only be used to dislodge concentrations of enemy soldiers. Valeryi Shershen, a spokesman for the Tavria military district, confirmed the arrival of the cluster bombs, stating that they would be used strictly within the legal framework for the deoccupation of Ukrainian territories. The Pentagon has also announced the arrival of these weapons.

Moscow has strongly condemned the shipment of cluster bombs to Ukraine. Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned that Russia could resort to deploying similar weaponry if faced with their use. Ukrainian officials argue that the deployment of these munitions is justified due to Russia’s mining of vast tracts of land it has seized. In response, Ukraine has launched a counter-offensive, focusing on capturing groups of villages in the southeast and retaking areas around the eastern city of Bakhmut, which was seized by Russian forces in May.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy reiterated Ukraine’s assurances during a NATO summit, stating that the cluster bombs would not be used on Russian territory and would only be deployed in areas where Russian military forces are concentrated. Cluster munitions are known for releasing large numbers of smaller bomblets that can cause indiscriminate casualties over a wide area. Those that fail to explode pose a danger for many years. Both Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of using cluster bombs in the ongoing conflict.

It is important to note that Russia, Ukraine, and the United States have not signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, stockpiling, use, and transfer of these weapons. The decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine has faced opposition from Spain and Canada, while Britain expressed concerns, as it is part of a convention that discourages the use of such weapons. Some U.S. Democratic lawmakers also raised their concerns about the shipment.

Ukrainian military analyst Oleskander Musiyenko believes that the cluster bombs will be used in the south of the country, as the area’s commander had previously announced their arrival. He stated that these munitions would likely be used to pierce and destroy the enemy’s defense line. Deputy Ukrainian Defense Minister Hanna Maliar reported that Ukrainian troops were making progress in the south, forcing enemy forces to redeploy. However, they faced more difficulties in the north.

Russian accounts of the fighting claimed that their forces had repelled 16 Ukrainian attacks in the eastern Donetsk region alone. The use of cluster bombs in the conflict continues to be a contentious issue, with concerns about the indiscriminate harm they can cause. As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine persists, the use of these controversial weapons raises questions about the impact on civilian populations and the potential for further escalation.

Reporting by Anna Pruchnicka and Kyiv Newsroom; Editing by Timothy Heritage, Ron Popeski, and Michael Perry

Original Story at – 2023-07-14 01:37:00

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