Survey: New York Residents Rank Highest in ‘Social Media Sins’ among US Citizens


New Yorkers Rank as Worst in the Country for Social Media Misbehavior

A recent study conducted by has revealed that New Yorkers are the worst offenders when it comes to inappropriate behavior on social media platforms. The study surveyed over 3,000 Americans, asking them whether they had engaged in various “social media sins,” such as sending explicit content or engaging in online arguments. Shockingly, more than half of the respondents from New York admitted to committing each transgression.

The study found that squabbling with others online was the most commonly committed offense among New Yorkers, with a staggering 72% admitting to engaging in online arguments. Following closely behind, 65% confessed to posting something they later regretted while under the influence of alcohol. Additionally, nearly 63% of the respondents from New York admitted to publishing revealing images or videos of themselves for all to see. A surprising 57% confessed to catfishing, which involves creating a fictional online persona to deceive others, often with the intention of establishing a romantic relationship.

Not only did New Yorkers rank as the worst in terms of their social media behavior, but they also exhibited a mean streak online. The study found that 61% of New Yorkers admitted to posting abusive comments on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore, over 60% confessed to publishing content while angry or hurt, only to later regret their actions.

Fintan Costello, the managing director of, commented on the findings, stating, “New Yorkers have a reputation for speaking their minds, and with easy access to social media, this study shows that it is a potent mix.” Costello emphasized that while some of the behavior exhibited by New Yorkers may be considered minor misdemeanors, certain practices have no place on social media.

Interestingly, the study also revealed that Oregon residents were the most well-behaved when it comes to online conduct. Only 7% of respondents from Oregon admitted to committing “social media sins,” highlighting a stark contrast to the behavior of New Yorkers.

In conclusion, the study conducted by has shed light on the concerning social media behavior of New Yorkers. With over half of the respondents confessing to engaging in various transgressions, such as sending explicit content and posting abusive comments, it is evident that there is room for improvement in terms of online conduct. Meanwhile, residents of Oregon have emerged as the paragons of virtuous social media behavior, with only a small fraction admitting to similar offenses.

Original Story at – 2023-07-08 13:12:00

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