Russia May Resort to Using Cluster Bombs in Ukraine, According to Putin


Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia possesses a “sufficient stockpile” of cluster bombs and reserves the right to use them if they are deployed against Russian forces in Ukraine. This comes after Ukraine announced that it had received cluster bombs from the United States, its biggest military backer, to compensate for shell shortages faced by its forces during a counteroffensive. Cluster munitions are banned in over 100 countries due to their indiscriminate killing potential and long-lasting danger, especially to children.

Putin emphasized that while Russia has not yet used cluster bombs, it would respond in kind if necessary. He condemned the use of such munitions as a crime and stated that Russia had managed to avoid using them despite facing ammunition shortages in the past. Human Rights Watch has documented the use of cluster munitions by both Russia and Ukraine. Notably, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States have not signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, stockpiling, use, and transfer of these weapons.

In addition to discussing cluster bombs, Putin also addressed the issue of Russian specialists examining captured Western military equipment and missiles. He saw no problem with Russian experts assessing captured Storm Shadow missiles supplied by Britain to Ukraine to determine if any components could be utilized in Russia’s own military hardware.

The situation in Ukraine remains tense, with ongoing clashes between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists. The use of cluster munitions adds another layer of concern, as their indiscriminate nature poses a significant risk to civilian populations.

It is important to note that the use of cluster bombs violates international humanitarian law and can result in severe humanitarian consequences. These weapons have the potential to cause extensive harm to civilians and damage vital infrastructure, leaving a long-lasting impact on affected communities.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is crucial for the international community to urge all parties involved to adhere to international humanitarian law and refrain from using cluster munitions. Efforts should focus on de-escalating tensions and finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Original Story at – 2023-07-16 09:45:00

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